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  1. A challenge indeed. Some marbles are lookers, and some are meant for the games.
  2. Just got back from a vaca. 3 families, 6 adults, 9 kids. Marbles provided some great evenings' entertainment for everyone. The dads got a solid competition going after the kiddos went to bed. When's the last time you played a marble game? Within the last year, 2-5 years, or 5+?
  3. Our family plays a handful of marble games with enough variety in gameplay that us adults can get quite the competition going, but we can dial it back when the kids play or we want to keep things conversational and light. We came back around to marbles when the kids got a little older but are still kids. It was brought on by a pursuit to hang out with them without any screens. Sports are great, but sometimes you don't have cooperative weather or enough space. So, we have our go-to activities at home as a fam and when we have family/friends over; and it's easy to take with us when we travel (this is HUGE). So we play a variety of card games (Uno, Phase 10, etc), checkers, chess, and all of our Marble Go games.
  4. Hi everyone! I’m thrilled to join this community of fellow marble enthusiasts! Playing with marbles runs deep in my family – with a strong 35 year collection myself. I have recently been diving into a world of reimagined marble games. I’ve started working on a project called Marble Go, which is all about bringing back the joy of marble-playing to a new generation. That said, I’m here to learn more about the rich history of marble collecting, and hopefully, connect with others who share a passion for these beautiful little works of art. Looking forward to learning from you all and getting involved in the discussions! Best, Jordan, marble-go.com
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