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  1. That was my initial thought but then I possibly got swayed by some Google misdirection...
  2. Sadly, poor condition with a dirty great chip. Just shy of 1".
  3. Nice to know it's not just me then!
  4. Can't place this shade with any of the wvs companies. It's 5/8. Jabo?
  5. Aha, thanks, wouldn't have guessed that 😀
  6. Sorry for the delay- just some sparklers I had to hand to show the example, slightly bigger actually- between 21/32 and 3/4.
  7. And if you're feeling really creative you could add some of these... https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=27925&name=Tile, Round Corner 2 x 2 Macaroni&category=[Tile, Round]#T=S&O={"iconly":0} I'll leave you to it now.
  8. This may be a step too far for you (and I have no direct experience of using this) but this exists...https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
  9. Oh, yeah, I just realised searching through there is really tricky as there are really specific names for everything. I think what you need to do is start measuring everything by the stud size, instead of actual measurements. For example, a common size for a base plate would be 16 x 16 (I think you need to include the spaces in this sort of search term.) So, for your bricks, you might be after 2 x 4. Flat pieces are categorised as plates and what, for some reason me and my kids refer to as "puffed up", would come under bricks. Another way to find things is to look at some online lego instructions (can be downloaded from lego.com) and the parts list at the back will have all the part ID numbers, which should be able to be used as a search term. Hope this helps.
  10. You might find this site useful if you're not already familiar. https://www.bricklink.com/v2/main.page
  11. I've also been wondering how I can combine these 2 special interest of mine...I look forward to seeing your display once complete 😀
  12. Thanks, I do actually get a bit of a vitro feel from it, so maybe it goes with them for now...
  13. Thanks folks, 3 x "not really sure" make for a useful answer anyway - I don't need to fall down a rabbit hole trying to figure it out just yet.
  14. I don't know what category this falls into. Just under 5/8. Any info welcome, ta.
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