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About KateSo

  • Birthday 08/07/1984

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  1. I’m not reading any of these replies and deleting my account. Again peace love and light to you all.
  2. Slow down.? All I did was ask a question and showed him where i read it says they’re handmade with tiny light flashes. Either way, I don’t care 🤷‍♀️ I just don’t like to title them as CAC Peltier Akro Vitro Oxblood Marble online like the rest. ✌🏻☮️
  3. That’s what I was referring too, I came here to ask if anyone had seen one bc the message I received was rude.
  4. Sooo you’re saying in essence I’m seeing something that isn’t there lol no, let me rephrase after receiving the message this morning I looked at it again outside (in the daylight) it’s not from damage. And again there’s something on the surface that gives off shine when hit by light in different angles. I don’t know why my phone pics aren’t good on here . I just found my camera charger. If I could post a video it would be easier to see when rotating in the light. I’ll upload better when I take them.
  5. I posted this marble to eBay the other day. Someone messaged me last night said none have AV. Maybe not but there’s definitely something on the surface that’s gives off shiny flashes in the light. The internet gives completely different answers when researching . Any help please. TIA . First few pics were taken under different lighting.58”
  6. After looking closer at the blue one I think it’s a MFC bc of the seam . I could be wrong .
  7. I just ordered one lol thanks for sharing this!!!
  8. Shia? Is that a name for one of them?
  9. I have one similar and someone on here told me it was jabo . You would know better than me lol
  10. I agree with peltier. This is a sick marble. I love it!
  11. I have a similar one. Not sure what it is tho lol sorry
  12. I forgot to add more pics yesterday. .61” I didn’t adjust the pics in anyway besides cropped them a little. First 4 were taken with diff lighting .
  13. KateSo


    I didn’t do anything to the pics besides cropped a little. .67”
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