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  1. Condolences to Alan's family and friends. Marbledom is a poorer place with your passing. Rest in peace Alan.
  2. Lisa, Here is a link to a video of a marble run done at the Jabo factory. Production quality isn't real good and the narrator is really droll but it gives you a good idea of how the machine made marbles are done at Jabo. http://www.viddler.c...rbles/videos/1/
  3. Thanks everyone for the help. I couldn't figure them out but they were pretty marbles and the folks that got them like them very much :-) Steph the red one looked like it was oxblood but I don't think it is. Buddy, the red one was unsigned. I'llhavethat1, it reminded me of Jupiter as well :-) Sue, 92 was a long time ago, 82 was an even longer time ago but it seems like only yesterday, why I was just a lad frolicking in the... Man, how time flies :-) Thanks again all, Joe.
  4. Someone had expressed an interest in this marble at one time. I don't remember who it was but it is for sale on eBay. Thank you, Joe. AUCTION
  5. Hello everyone, I need to see if anyone knows who could of made these marbles? The red one is 1-53/64" and the other is 2-1/64 and is signed VM 92. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you, Joe
  6. Thanks a bunch for the pictures, I wish I was there :-)
  7. Mike, I hadn't considered trying to sell on the forums but since you mentioned I might :-) Thank you, Joe
  8. Hello everyone, I have finally reached the point where I have to sell some of my marbles. I have promised my wife for some time now that I would sell my extras and that time has arrived. My auctions will start on Sunday evenings at 10:00 pm Eastern Time and will run for one week. Please make sure to put me on your eBay Saved Sellers list as I will be listing marbles each week until the extras are gone. I will also be selling some marbles for some other people as well so there should be a pretty good variety of stuff each week. If you would like to sell some marbles on consignment check out my eBay about me page for the details. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to e-mail me or give me a call. If you call and get the machine please leave a message and I will get back with you Thank you very much, Joe Street 317-837-3985 [email protected] www.joemarbles.com Joe on eBay
  9. Hello everyone, I have a question I hope you all can help me with. A fellow I know has a bunch of contemporary hand made marbles and some of them have the following signatures on them. Could anyone tell me who these folks might be? Thanks for any and all help, Joe. JHM STU MLO SLH FES
  10. Lou wrote "Mozilla is Firefox and that is what I checked it with before." Shows you what a computer guru I am Thanks again everyone, Joe.
  11. Lou and Edna, thank you. I know I'm off topic here but if I can ask one more question I promise to go away Is anyone here using Google Chrome or Mozilla and if you are have you noticed anything? OK I will cease using the marble forum for tech support if you must stone me please throw large marbles Thanks again, Joe.
  12. Chuck, I apologize, I thought I had your show posted on my site. I did get it posted on the Indiana Marble Club site but failed to get it right on my site. Thats what happens when people who don't know how to build web sites start doing things that are above their pay grade Thank you, Joe.
  13. Hello everyone, I’ve had some people tell me that they’re experiencing some problems reading certain pages on my website. In particular are the Marble Photography page and the Buy/Sell Marbles page. I think that it is a recent update for Internet Explorer 8 for Windows 7. I have Windows XP at home and I don’t have any problems but at work I have Windows 7 and I see the problem on the two pages (for the record I only look at my website during lunch and breaks ) If anyone else has noticed any pages on my site not displaying correctly could you please let me know? I’ve placed a link to both of the problem pages below, if you happen to check it out could you let me know what operating system you’re using and what version of Internet Explorer you’re using? Thank you for your help, Joe. Marble Photography Page– Footer runs into text above it. Buy/Sell Marbles Page– Text overlapping text above it. PS this is not an elaborate scheme to get more visitors to my website although I do reserve the right to use it as a future marketing ploy Thanks again.
  14. Thanks all for the nice comments. Ron, when I was a kid I had an uncle and he would say to me "Pete and RePete sitting on a log Pete fell off and who was left?". Of course I'd say RePete and he would repeat it. Sad to say but I was in my early forties before I figured out what was going on Thanks again, Joe.
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