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My First Eagle


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Softer edges to the pattern than on other Jabos I've seen. A very nice look, although I wouldn't judge it 'better' or 'worse'.

Don't know at this point if that's characteristic of Eagles or just this particular one. Cheers, Bob

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Did I wind up inheriting the infamous 'VOODOO MARBLE O' DEATH' and no one wants to tell me? :)

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Thanks, Mary!

Wasn't a good coin choice for size comparison, but I liked the eagle on it.

I like yours too. Had an immediate 'feel-good' reaction to it, which doesn't happen all the time!

Do your Eagles have that slightly-softer transition from color to color which I'm seeing in mine?

Normally I'd think I'd like razor-sharp edges, but there's a nice 'glow' here which I haven't seen before. Bob

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