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What's your cap on these?


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A link for anyone who wants to peek: http://www.ebay.com/sch/Machine-Made-/2573/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_ssn=bmc992330:)



Fwiw, your cat's eye makers are pretty far off in the listings.  No offense intended.  I'll  trust none taken.  I'm seeing quite a few other errors in the non-cats. We'll try to help you straighten them out if you post them here.  If anyone is mean to you for getting them wrong, please forgive. 


For example: this is a Japanese cat's eye -- called Marble King: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Marble-King-Inc-Cats-Eye-Hybrid-/262321634258?hash=item3d13967bd2:g:MIYAAOSwqYBWoAF4


And this is Vitro Tiger Eye -- called an Akro Helmet:  http://www.ebay.com/itm/Akro-Agate-Helmet-Marble-/262321776695?hash=item3d1398a837:g:Jh4AAOSwYlJW25Aj


(Also, if you actually have a Helmet, turns out they are Vitros.  For a time some thought they were from Akro, but that was a mistake.)


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Most of these are Vitro Agates.  The back left looks like it might turn out to be Asian.  The dark blue one on the right looks like it might turn out to be something else also.



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