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IDs for a few marbles


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Hello.  Welcome.  :wave2:

You do have a vintage bunch, so that's good.  

I see some Vitro, Peltier, Akro and West Virginia Swirls.  Maybe some others.

A nice group.  Mostly from the 1930's to the 1950's.  At least one from later. Possibly one from earlier but I can't make it out clearly.


I'm not seeing any high value ones.  You _might_ get over 20 for it on ebay.  I can't be sure though. 





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Picture #2 has Marble King Cub Scouts and Picture #3 had Marble King Bumble Bees.

Those are from the 1950's or 1960's.

They're very popular and could bring some more money. 


Edit:  I answered too quickly about Picture #2.  Five look like Marble Kings.  Looks like there might be an older Akro there also, and then some kind of swirl that I don't recognize -- that could be much newer or ... well, I don't know from that view.



Picture #4 looks like some 1940's Alley Agates plus maybe one Vitro Conqueror. 



Picture #5 with the blues are a range of makers.


Picture #6 is mostly Vitros from the 1930's through maybe 1960's.  Pretty sure the big marble in the group is newer.  Maybe from the 1980's.  Could be later.  



#11 has a modern one in it.  Probably less than 20 years old.  


The big marble in #12 could be modern ... or could be an Akro from say the 1940's. 


Regarding #10, solid red colored marbles could be valuable if they were a certain type, but it's hard to identify them in a photo ... odds are those are "just game marbles".  


And there are more nice mixture in the other pictures. 



Sooooo ... mostly vintage.  And there are a lot more than I first thought.  You could maybe get more than $100 out of this.   

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I understand.  They count as solid-colored though.  If they have a swirly pattern, that rules out the more valuable option.  (The more valuable possibility for the reds would be an Akro Flinty, but I don't think that's what we have here.)   


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