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Newbie Help Please


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Hello, I'm not new to the world of collecting marbles, but I am new to researching about them. Been collecting for years, just never thought to learn about them. I just know I like them. Here is a couple pics of some of them. Any information you can supply about them would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.  P.S. Sorry the pics are kinda poopy.



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Hi, at first glance I saw "modern".  But now I see some vintage in there.  On the top row, 2nd from left, the blue and black (on a white base) is a Vitro Blackie, from 1960, give or take.  

Top left might be an Akro patch, possibly from the 1930's. 

The leftmost marble on the middle row could be a vintage swirl, maybe 30's to 50's. 

On the bottom row, the cat's eyes on either end could be vintage, or could be modern..  

I can't see enough detail on the far right on the middle row.  

The rest look modern, styles currently in production, most or all from Asia. 

As I I suggested to another new poster, best to put a few marbles per thread.  Since yours are laid out neatly and there's just one group, I took a shot at them.  But my brain is very tired. :)

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The blue and black is my favorite...well second favorite. My favorite is all black with one very small white streak (couldn't get a pic of that one). I really appreciate your help. In future posts I'll try to stick to one or two marbles. And get better pics...LOL Once again, Thank you.

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