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8 for ID help


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I don't want to be too much of a pain.  The bulletin board resizes your larger pictures, you may have noticed.  So if you have a lot of non-marble space around the edges, it can make the actual marbles pretty small.  So, for future reference, trimming off the edges could be helpful.   Or just moving in on the marbles until more of the viewscreen is filled with marbles to begin with.

Okay ... so what do we have here?  

I think 2nd the left on the bottom row is one of your Akros.   The one above it looks similar in coloring, but might be a West Virginia swirl.  (I'm leaning strongly to WV swirl on that upper one.)

The green one on the top row, second from the left, could possibly be a folded up Akro.  Or maybe a Vitro.  Or maybe a WV swirl but with a very simplistic pattern.  

The bottom right is similar.  My first thought is WV swirl, but I suppose it's possible it could be an odd patch.

WV swirls for the rest. 

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