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Likely Jabo's but confirmation would help


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Newbie with I am gonna guess mostly Jabo or foreign. Couple closeups and a small group shot of a few. I've got a few reference books, still not totally comfortable with getting a correct ID myself at this point.

39/64 Chocolate/white

5/8 opaque aqua/teal stripe

19/32 opaque Yellow purple

31/32 Apricot-pinkish slag/swirl

39/64 opaque Bluish grey









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5 hours ago, Anthem4163 said:

Thanks for confirmation.  If I may ask, is it color and/or pattern or just experience in picking out Jabo from older machine-mades?

Mostly pattern, and the balance between the colors.  In an older swirl, there's usually a clear argument for which color is the base glass and which is the ribbon.  That distinction frequently gets lost in Jabos.   

Another thing is how many colors you're picking up in your photos.  The more shades, the more likely you're looking at a Jabo.

This one for instance.  It actually has a relatively distinct white "ribbon" in the left view, but look at all those shades in the right view.


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