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Remembering seeing marbles in concrete as a kid

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I know I saw concrete that had marbles in the mix. Maybe just added on top, I dunno?  I was well under 10 yrs old but we had at least two items that I recall seeing those poor marbles stuck in them permanently.

Seems I remember seeing others but finding a vintage birdbath or extra large sidewalk planter today would be so neato.

Those ( I think ) I remember were a concrete bench with marbles half in and half out was in front of the penny candy store. The other place was a huge barrier to save a corner house from a car if it lost control on a steep hill. It probably wasn't as large as I imagined it now because I could get on it somehow and pretend it was a horse.

I would imagine being a cowboy and it worked pretty good. Not that these items were covered in marbles but enough to see them here and there.

Have you seen anything like these or do you remember any? Pictures?

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There are two older antique stores I know of in the local area that have vintage marbles mixed into and laid on top of their concrete sidewalks. Yes a good idea but you can see where several were pried out of there encasement, someone really wanted the marbles that were there. Too bad, other than the holes the sidewalks are beautiful, I'll get a pic if I remember ? I know they're still there, it wasn't that long ago. Kalama Washington was one of them (The best & biggest one) gonna have to get the old ticker a goin to remember where the other one is ??

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