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Hi Everyone.  It has been a while since I have come on and reviewed/posted or even commented.  But here's the deal, without stating too terribly much (trying to keep things a bit confidential where I can).   If Bill Tow is still alive, I'd love to get some recommendations from him with regard to one of his dear old friends and marble buddies about her marble collection -- My Mother's (Patry Denton).  He was a very dear friend of hers, and I am at a bit of a loss and just want some good direction/opinion. . .    I know he held about 150 or so of her many photos for ID of marbles, as she used his server as a picture host, as she often helped many on here.   I believe he planned to try to do some tribute to her.  Some of you will remember her, although many have passed since her passing over 16 years ago.  She had a massive collection, and I'd just like some recommendations with regard to that collection.   (He can email me [email protected] or [email protected] or call my cell:  Heather - 719.338.3927).  I thought to look him up, and my heart sank when I saw this board.  I am relieved!   Any help would be greatly appreciated!      

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9 hours ago, marblesHEYII said:

She had a massive collection, and I'd just like some recommendations with regard to that collection. 

Patry was one of the Og's. So Kind and forgiving. I loved her as a person--just not a collector.
She was one who would stand up to the old arguments and get it back to what we all like--marbles.
This collection should be sold by the best. Block Auctions.


Good idea Art. I would describe one of her sides as ornery. Her Southern Heritage was amazing🔥



Funny story. She High Jacked one of my first threads on LOM. Long story short Galen had to lock the thread down. I PMed her. We duked it out for a while and then ended up sending each other the new acronym for Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A$$ Off. 🔥


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