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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. What is really amazing is "What? referring to the bids already received"
  2. You would be correct in thinking that or assuming that.
  3. Sammy signed that way for a long time. Recently, he has signed his name "Sammy Hogue" and the date and the writing is very tiny - cursive.
  4. down here the shooters were called "shootin taws".
  5. Pack it real good. There won't be any more of these.
  6. I am definitely interested. Send me a PM with how to send your money. I can use PayPal or send you a check. In the PM give me your address and how you want me to pay.
  7. What is the size of it? Bob sold them by size. The three inch ones were $68. The one inch were $22-25. No telling what it's worth now. Probably depends on who is bidding. It's pretty. I have some of his red, white, and blue marbles purchased from him. That was probably made at the same time. His brother Dick Hamon would pick the marbles to be sold to the collector's club and the ones not picked weren't made again . Do you have any idea what you want for it?
  8. That is definitely Bob's marble. What color is that ribbon, not the blue one. You can bet those bubbles are intentional. i couldn't see the bubbles in the small pic.
  9. I got some of mine yesterday and the swirly movement is really nice. Thanks for posting your pics.
  10. I know the work of Robert L. Hamon. Does the sig look like that? I have over a hundred of his marbles, but none that look like that one. He has two nephews who did made similar marbles. That one looks blue and yellow in a clear base? Correct one I'm looking at? They are big football fans in West Virginia and they call their marbles in that color and design, "Mountaineers". One is John Hamon Miller and the other is Boyd Alan Miller. John mostly signs "JHM" and Boyd signed "BAM". There are several signatures of Robert L. as they changed over the years. Somes "Robert L. Hamon", sometimes "R. Hamon", sometimes just "Hamon". the marble in my avatar is a Robert L. Hamon.
  11. Should arrive on Monday. I sent one of every thing I had on hand. Some I'm out of.
  12. Not signed? Perhaps Jody Fine. I think Steven Maslach signs his. (The hand mades)
  13. I'll send what i have. Tomorrow. Today I'm thinking 8oth birthday celebration for my brother.
  14. Yes, I have some too. Those are nice! He signed most of the ones I have.
  15. From my experience with ceramics (an old hobby) I think those chinas have 24 kt. gold painted on them. It would be a second firing after the glaze is fired on.
  16. Thanks Ann. Sometimes it takes a while. Sometimes you just know.
  17. Past editions have had many pics of you. PM me your address and i'll send you the last one and any others I might have.
  18. I definitely need lessons in icy or snowy driving. I don't have a clue. I'm hoping to see you in May at the WV show. Hopefully, it will be warmer then and the road conditions will be my kind.
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