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  1. The bottom section is the same a the bottom sections used in the Reg'lar Fellers six section game box. That also holds 3 pinch pontil Japanan made marbles from the early 30's. Nice find. Art
  2. WOW! I knew that you were heavy into marble collecting, but I never knew that you also collected dogs.
  3. Any more thoughts on a value for this one? I may bring it to Decatur just to show. Art
  4. It's 8 3/4" in diameter and fairly heavy as you'd expect for ironstone. My guess is that its English ironstone because of the popularity of the game over there during Victoriania. I guess you can find almost anything at a Wisconsin estate sale. Art
  5. This is the only one I've ever seen of these except in the Mareble Mania book. It has a few edge chips but not too bad for its age. Probably early Victorian. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to its value? I haven't got a clue and could use some HELP ! Art
  6. Hoping someone took pictures at Canton. Also any comments on the show attendance. Wish I could have been there. Art
  7. This one is an onionskin, not enough colors to be a josephs coat. I had a beautiful mega color josephs coat that was loaded with mica about 7 or 8 years ago and like a fool I sold it at a show. Only one I've ever seen.Luckily I bought a kicking machine and when I do something as dumb as that I just go home, bend over and plug it in. Come to think of it I've used it a lot.
  8. Don: If I were buying it with the idea of repairing and refilling it I wouldn't go much higher than $150 to $200. It'll never be the rarity it was when new and will be a looooong project. Art
  9. I watched part of it and it was interesting. Some went over estimates but most were under. Lots of beautiful marbles that I couldnt afford. They'll probably post sales numbers sometime this coming week at Morphyauctions.com. Art
  10. And a good time was had by all. Now on to Decaturnext weekend. Art
  11. Remember, the show is in Wisconsin. Going to be in the 50's day and 30's or 40's nights. Bring a jacket. Art
  12. 20 tables booked and only 3 weeks until the show. Don't wait until the last minute. See you at the badger show. Art
  13. Reminder: Only a week to go to reserve rooms at reduced rate. Art
  14. Badger Marble Club's 14th annual show Room trading Oct 21 and Oct 22, Show Oct 23rd Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel 3841 E. Washington Ave Madison, Wisconsin 608-244-2481 Room reservations by Sept. 30 for $74.00 room rate Tables $25, admission to show $2. Children under 12 free. Tables call Bill Bass 608-723-6138 or email: [email protected] or Art Jones 262-673-5643 or email: [email protected] Visit our website at www.badgermarbleclub.com A great show in a great town !!
  15. I'd also recommend Marblemania by Bob Block. You can pick up a used copy of the early edition at a reasonable price. Good pictures for identification and you'll save money so you can buy more marbles. Art
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