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About CarlsMarblesBeadsEtc

  • Birthday 01/04/1970

Contact Methods

  • MSN
    Carl Aka Pharez1
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Profile Information

  • Location
    Buffalo, N.Y.
  • Interests
    I love collecting marbles and talking about running my own business. I love to speak to groups on helping them begin their own businesses. If you have any question simply mail me a letter in my PM box. Thanks.

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  1. I hope to be in attendance.. Sue hope we can hook up the usual ride? Carl... email me your number sue ok... ill call you.. [email protected]
  2. Michael, hmmmmmmmm I will have to email him.. give me a bout week time to email you.. Talk soon Ma.... Love Carl~~~
  3. Ok Ma... Look forward to hearing from ya again soon.... Hope your Ok Ma.? Sorry bout the worm destroyin your PC... Love Carl~~~~
  4. Ok Ma, Take care and will speak with you when you contact me... Love and hugs, Carl~~~
  5. Ok Ma, I want you to know I emailed ok... and sorry bout the worm... Might I advise to go fishing and use it as bait LOL... Love Carl~~~~
  6. Oh , well I thought , you see a birthday thread and tis actually the day lol.... Thanks Lou.. see ya in 5 months or earlier lol...
  7. Belated happy Birthday Lou..... Ma where u at, is your email changed or something...?? I sent you email.. no reply yet.. wondering if your fine? Carl~~~
  8. Please pray for those killed and their families... This is very Tradgic and Fatal time... Watch NBC ,ABC ,CBS AND CNN AND ALL MAJOR NETWORKS.... Live, Love, Laugh while you can for no one knows the day or hour G-d will call anyone of us home........... Carl~~~
  10. Thanks EVERYONE, Belinda is Ok, Praise G-d and thanks for all you're prayers everyone... G-d heard them and answered in good positive ways... They're keeping her overnight but she'll be Ok.. Carl~~~
  11. Please pray for Belinda, my girlfriend... She just had another Seizure and is hospitalized... I cant be there and she is in NYC , im in Buffalo... Pray the Lord will heal her and she'll never have another seizure again Ok.. amein... Thanks in Jesus name amein.. Thanks.. Carl~~~
  12. I want to know cuz I am going to paint my saints on the back of skate boards and sell them on Etsy.com..... You can sell your creations there 2, and for a pretty penny too... hiint hintt..
  13. Gary how did you make that.. Pls tell..?? so cool...
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