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Everything posted by Tim

  1. A little addition to my pics Tim
  2. What are these??? Have no idea on maker Tim
  3. Stop it Allen,, I'm starting to hurt :Crazy_670: :Cartoon_177: :Computers_comp18: That 1st one is amazing, Great pics Tim
  4. I was thinking "CHOCOLATE SUNDAY" With a hint of Strawberry Tim
  5. Tim

    Good Marble Pics

    Thanks Sue, they do look better I makes me mad,, I hava a Photo-Shop program I purchased a few years ago To make business cards, and it was with it I can crop them by themselves, but can't save them It's frustrating Worked OK with my Old XP computer, But my new Vista computer???? Any way,,, Thanks to all for the support and ideas :Cool_653: Tomorrow, I'm going out side for light, and try that Tim
  6. Tim

    Good Marble Pics

    OK,, here's a couple with a white background, took a little farther away :Happy_050: Tim P.S. THe White background turned blue???
  7. Tim

    Good Marble Pics

    Thanks all!!! It's a camera I have had about 1 yr, Bought a little 8" tripod for these kinda pics The only way I have found to get them crisp & clean Tim P.S. It's a Sony Cybershot
  8. Tim

    Good Marble Pics

    Trying to hone my skills on the picture part of marble collecting Pics tell the true story, good pics that is,, :Emoticon-jawdrop: Pics Sell If this is out of line, Please remove Just want an opinion, what do you guys think, What can I do to improve on these??? Tim
  9. Love it :Cartoon_177: Tim
  10. OK,,, Here's one I have always liked, Reminds me of "Outter Space Atmosphere" Tim
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