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Everything posted by okiemudman

  1. Life Lesson #1: If the deal is to good to be true it probably is. LOL!
  2. I had already paid but have filed a complaint with PayPal that the transaction might possibly be fraudulent. No harm no foul if the goods are delivered and in the interim PayPal has been served notice.
  3. I have sent an email, use a SnipIt tool to save of pictures of the posted marbles, and have fall back on PayPal complaint resolution as always should sale not prove to be on the up and up.
  4. I found the picture of one that I bought on Joe's site.
  5. Now all of you are making me nervous because I bought a couple of those he had listed.
  6. All the marbles and the bag with the exception of one orange oxblood, the corks, and the hand made were inside a jar of marbles at an estate auction. It was a nice surprise because I could not see the picture on the bag either. What surprises have others found when opening up a jar or box?
  7. Eighteen hours of hard driving but I am headed that way on the 18th.
  8. Thanks all. What was really neat was when the box was opened the marbles are covered in a really fine dust.
  9. Pee Wee Master I found at the 2010 Tulsa Show.
  10. The first one has a really nice look in the hand as there is blue and orange underneath that doesn't come out as well in the pictures.
  11. The Hall of Fame idea is a good one but I feel the people that made this possible should have all been in the initial group. Those mentioned in another post along with James Leighton, Clinton Israel, and John Early have to be in any valid Hall of Fame that honors American Marble Makers. Without the contribution of these pioneers and the mibs they manufactured, you do not have the hobby of marble collecting. Just my opinion.
  12. TEXAS MARBLE COLLECTORS http://www.texasmarblecollectors.com ANNUAL FALL SHOW SATURDAY Oct. 17th, 2009 9:00am-2:00 PM Radisson Hotel 2540 Meacham Blvd Fort Worth, Tx. 76106 Ph. 817-625-9911 $89.00 room rate Email for reservations: [email protected] BUY, SELL, TRADE MARBLES IN ROOM TRADING DOOR PRIZES EDUCATIONAL DISPLAYS SPECIAL GUESTS: Steve Sturtz: Jabo book author/special marble runs Ron Shepherd: West Virginia swirls specialist Open to the public Free admission Show coordinator: Calvin Griffith 817-281-7755 Table space $25.00 club members Questions: Carroll Collier 512-251-4244 $35.00 nonmembers ________________________________________________________________________ Reserve your table now for the Oct. 17th, 2009 show in Fort Worth, Tx. (Tables are reserved when paid) Remit to: Texas Marble Collectors PO Box 875 Pflugerville, Tx. 78691 I want to reserve ________ tables for the Oct. 17th, 2009 show and sale Enclosed amount of $_________for ___table(s) @ $25.00 members, $35.00 nonmembers Name:__________________________________Ph:_____________________ Address_________________________City_________________St____Zip_______
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