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Everything posted by pedidoll

  1. Somewhere in Germany...glad I don't live there!!!
  2. Winnie,,,what make and model camera do you use? Your pictures are drop dead beautiful!!!
  3. Just a thought....the type in that thread and Steph's are "inbetween" conversion to using the less expensive glass and configuration to the newer style that they went to so the cost of production would allow them to still make marbles and money,,,hence the word "tweener" fits really well? The company still had some of the "old" glass but had the new "machinery" to make the marbles with less ribbons?
  4. Why ty sir. I have fun doing it!!
  5. this one was in the other lot,,,
  6. I see a penguin tapping its foot in frustration...lol...kinda like I am feeling right now cuz one would think by now I should know something about marbles!!! :P
  7. No I am not sure its Akro,,,its as orange as a pumpkin,,,the lot was 3/4ths Akro,,not that that makes a big difference.
  8. pleas mon,,I am not arguing either....just explaining why I couldn't make a call...that and I am usually wrong.
  9. Personally when I saw Zaboos pictures I thought they were on too light of a base,,,BUT,,,I know sometimes its very hard to get the true colors in a picture..AND I also feel that Dani and her hubby have forgotten way more about marbles than what I know so I did not feel "qualified" for lack of a better word to make a comment so when she commented that in hand the base color was "muddy" I believed her. Just my opinion about the pictures...
  10. The kingfisher/crows I saw in the archives were not this dark of an orange,,,and I have to really stretch my imagination to even see a bird here,,,do these have a name collectors call them?
  11. edited a few group shots,,,wont bore everyone with singles...I am going to put the orange one in the ID thread so I can learn about them.
  12. Got my "gamble" in the mail today,,,2 green rebels with AV,,,3 Christmas trees...3 ketchup and mustard...4 rebels with AV...one liberty,,,one dragon,,,one burned zebra (like Stephs)...3 zebras with AV ( 2 have some owies) ALOT of nice corks including limeades lemonades and even an orange ade..maybe 12 nice ppp's....some nice other patches,,,and at least 6 of those akro "crow" things that I know nothing about so those are new to me...so I am wondering if I did ok on the lot? I really have no idea what market value is for these...very very few reg pelt rainbos which I was disappointed about,,hopefully I can get some pics taken tomorrow before work.
  13. what did you do with it??
  14. In my opinion the base is too white for that blue with yellow one to be an angel
  15. the bacon and eggs I have seen are on a much darker base,,,there is one on ebay now..321656630902
  16. so the yellow in the angels is always opaque? and its that buttery yellow,,,correct?
  17. I could do a side by side of yellow tracers with the "red angel" if you think that would help.
  18. you are very welcome!!!
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