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Everything posted by pedidoll

  1. I bought those lots. Got a bonus at work for hanging in not quitting as we are 2 FTE's short handed and have been for over a year..so instead of going to the casino I gambled on the marbles.
  2. Glad you were able to get it Sara. I have seen his name but have not had the pleasure of purchasing any of his art.
  3. I think we need pictures of the colored based "baseballs" I will take some pics of mine tomorrow. I would love to see the yellow one Ann.
  4. Hi Bill.My name is Darla. Nice to meet you.
  5. thank you so much for sharing this!!!
  6. My favorite was the bumble bee too!!!!..And I think its because my older brother threatened me with my life if I touched his!!!!...so of course I did when he wasn't home!!
  7. very pretty,,,but I don't think rare.
  8. do u guys see a bit of orange peel like texture in top photo?
  9. I have not seen that color combo together in the WV swirls before ..Ron would be the one to know for sure tho. Its a very striking marble.
  10. Thanks!!! Ill look for them!!!
  11. I didn't know the ribbons were supposed to be blue,,I thought it was the construction ...the thin ribbons on white base that made it a baseball...but I am wrong a lot...anyway...I have some that are not on a white base...so maybe they are not baseballs.
  12. the blue/yellow is an akro cork.
  13. are u putting marbles to sell in the buy sell trade or ebay or ?
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