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Everything posted by pedidoll

  1. When I lived in Oregon,,,I thought I would DIE in the winter!!!! Sun wasn't out from Oct-April!!! I had to go to a tanning booth or seriously I would have went crazy!!!! The summers were AWESOME however!!!!
  2. Ya,,,,,,,he is Da Man!!!! ( Has a secret crush on him!!!)
  3. pedidoll

    Woot Woot

    oh man wasn't Mannings night!!!
  4. pedidoll

    Woot Woot

    Another nail biter between Dallas and Green Bay!!!!! (I am a Seattle fan)
  5. Have fun!!!! Lots of sun here today,,but cold windy again,,,YUK!!
  6. A balmy 13 at 9:48 pm!!! No wind!!!! Enough sun today that my solar lights are lit up even!!!
  7. falling in my hands???? Chances are zero to none!!!! (Sorry couldn't resist)
  8. pedidoll

    Woot Woot

    ND Bison win 4th straight championship in a thriller!!! Now if "my" Ducks win....
  9. I would love to be able to go!!!! Just can't until I win that darn lottery!!!!
  10. Attend a marble show that really doesn't have a show ....it only has" in room " trading,,,and the rooms are only a bit under 100 bucks a night for 3 or maybe 4 nights,,,,or maybe I read the whole thing wrong?
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