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Everything posted by pedidoll

  1. Can't wait to get home after work and look at these on a bigger screen than my phone!!! Lol
  2. That will be fun to watch!!! Thank you for sharing link and picture!!
  3. that's a pretty one!!!...I have one I kept over from last year but its all leaves,,,no bud,,,I must have done something wrong!!
  4. Balmy 37 today and nice weather is forcast for several more days!!! Last year we didn't get a "January Thaw" ,,it seemed like winter hung around forever!! P.S. your little girl is beautiful!!!!
  5. w0w for those last 2!!!!! I know purple/yellow is CAC is the yellow/aqua CAC too?
  6. I thought the same thing about maker being tired at the end of the day!!! But I thought I read something about only one pontil on an end of the day? Something about only one cut mark cuz the end of the cane was reached? Or maybe I just imagined I read that!!
  7. what company made that one mon? Its lovely!!
  8. When I win the lottery I will buy a huge motor home and hire a driver and go to ALL the marble shows !!!! Wouldn't that be fun???
  9. my grandbabies will love that one!!!!
  10. I always thought the "moss" part of moss agates was the base glass? That cloudy color,,
  11. I'm on my break at work,,, thanks for the beautiful marble pictures!!!! Sure brightened my day!!!!
  12. yellow!!!! I need something bright to look at!!!
  13. I know its mid Jan but could we start a color of the month thread again? Used to be one of my favorite threads here as the pictures were so fun to look at!!!!
  14. pedidoll

    Woot Woot

    The running back for Ohio really delivered for them,,and he's only a sophomore,,,my son played running back as does his son,,,so I have always appreciated watching good running backs,,,the best team last night won,,hats off to both teams for making it to the championship game!!!
  15. pedidoll

    Woot Woot

    Ya,,,I am sad,,,but Ohio really really played well!!
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