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Everything posted by pedidoll

  1. that happened to me when I lived in Oregon,,,at that time the bank said it cost them more to "look" into it than it did to just reimburse the money,,the bank was Wells Fargo...no wonder it keeps happening,,nothing is done to the thief.
  2. I had these in with my rainbos but now I'm thinking kokomo...input please?
  3. Thanks Winnie,,that sure does look like mine
  4. pedidoll


    Good lord!!! When I get home after work I'll repost picture. I'm going to blame it on old age!!!
  5. pedidoll


    Got this in a mixed lot from ebay,,,thought at first it was a baseball with different colors,,,then when I was taking pics I saw sparkles,,,input please?
  6. pedidoll


    oooops!!!!! sorry!!!!
  7. sure hope its another surprise KOKOMO Lol
  8. its about 11/16ths Thanks in advance
  9. that's the way I understand it yes,,,but I am wrong a lot!!!
  10. the one of yours with the small tighter swirls reminds me of this one,,,I have to find it and see what Ron said about it,,,I sent some swirls to him for ID
  11. the 2 on the far left,,,,I haven't seen any like that before
  12. and these are champs,,,,,,and then one with them all together
  13. Ron said these are Ravenswood if that helps any.
  14. I don't see Jabo,,,but I am wrong alot
  15. it amazes me how the marbles can go thru all that and be perfectly fine,,,but drop one on the floor and it has an owie!!!!!
  16. ill put it here too for the archives
  17. ran across this one again and took some backlit pictures,,Ron says Alley...
  18. I sent that tater to Ron Ric and that's what he said it was,,,I have another alley I want to post when I get new pictures that he said was "known to very few"
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