Hi! My question is two-fold: first is regarding clear marbles. Can anyone please tell me if there are ANY "clearies" that are of any value what-so-ever? I am currently sorting through several collections and have amassed many clear marbles. Some are completely filled with tiny bubbles, some have wavy lines throughout, some have a very tiny filament core, some have what looks like a single pontil, and some have a pinch, etc. Are ANY clear marbles worth further investigation? And if there are- what do I look for? My second question is along the same lines, only regarding solid color marbles. If there are any that may be collectible, what is it that I look for in a solid color marble? All my investigation & research has turned up, is marbles of recognizable patterns & colors, however, the clear & solid marbles are still elusive. Any help from the experts would be greatly appreciated! THANKS!!