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Everything posted by red-eyes

  1. Chuck and his wife are such an asset to the marble collecting community!
  2. Smitty, maybe you just need to take a step back and find someone to take on the Feb. show for 2013. Feeling unappreciated and burned out can make anyone hate putting on a show, but I think there are a lot more people that enjoy and appreciate the fact that you do it, than you realize! Its just human nature for people to speak up sooner if they have a complaint rather than a compliment. Canton is always a good show, but if you're tired of it, don't quit- just take break.
  3. Marbleacious, get over yourself! Maybe you got what you thought you paid for~ and maybe you got ripped off! Put on your big boy pants and stop blaming other people who are trying to help you! "Marble guru" Smitty was being helpful! If you treat the people badly, that try to offer you their help- they may end up just letting you think whatever you want to think. Dont kill the messenger!
  4. Our thoughts & prayers are with them.
  5. I'll try to get some pictures up so you can see what I'm talking about. I have yet to post a picture here- so we'll see how my technical skills are!!
  6. WOW! Wish I had one that looked like that!
  7. Don't need to sell, have all the time- just don't have all the info- but definitely LOVE the treasure hunt!! Thanx 4 ur help!!
  8. Hi Steph! 2 kinds of Wavy lines- the kind that you see in old glass window pane, sort of distorted waves, and strange swirls that are not just surface- but seems to be a like a transparent wire-pull...? I have a light table that I can set them on to determine a transparent base, and also a black light. I'm happy to take the time- I just didn't know if it was worth it. Sounds like it is. I think I'm pretty good on the moonies- I've found some opalescent in several colors.
  9. Technically- what size does a marble have to measure "less-than" to be considered a Pee-Wee?? THANKS!!
  10. Hi! My question is two-fold: first is regarding clear marbles. Can anyone please tell me if there are ANY "clearies" that are of any value what-so-ever? I am currently sorting through several collections and have amassed many clear marbles. Some are completely filled with tiny bubbles, some have wavy lines throughout, some have a very tiny filament core, some have what looks like a single pontil, and some have a pinch, etc. Are ANY clear marbles worth further investigation? And if there are- what do I look for? My second question is along the same lines, only regarding solid color marbles. If there are any that may be collectible, what is it that I look for in a solid color marble? All my investigation & research has turned up, is marbles of recognizable patterns & colors, however, the clear & solid marbles are still elusive. Any help from the experts would be greatly appreciated! THANKS!!
  11. Thanks much for your replies- I appreciate the help! I've been collecting about 2 years, I went to my first couple shows this year, & I do have one of Block's books. I don't know anyone that lives anywhere near me, and I simply can't bring this quantity of "mystery marbles" to a show, so it sounds like I'll have to start posting photos. Thanks to All! R-E
  12. Can anyone please suggest to me a comprehensive marble book? I'm trying to identify so many different marbles at once, that the task is overwhelming! Thanks for any info that you can provide!
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