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Hot House Glass

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  1. If you have never been to this show, you're really missing out. Bruce does a great job with the contemporary show at Moon Marble and the KC Marble Club puts on an equally great event at the hotel. We look forward to these two shows every year and can't wait to see everyone again. It's worth the drive just for the barbecue and fellowship. Brett - Hot House Glass
  2. Jim sent this to me the other day. I tried to attach the flyer. Lets see if it worked. Brett Sistersville MARBLE FESTIVAL BROCHURE 2013.doc
  3. This one is a nice example of our "Lotus" design. Edna was correct in saying that these are a very difficult marble to make and that's the exact reason you won't see many. We have not done any in several years due to the very limited success rate that we have in getting them to match our expectations. My guess is that we probably only get 25% to look the way we want. I wish that the pictures on the auction were of a better quality so that you could see how nice the top of the marble looks. Regarding the price, the marble would have retailed in 2007 for $125 - $150. If we attempt them again and have better results, they will cost significantly more due to the time and frustration involved. Brett
  4. See you soon. Hope the roads get cleared by Thursday afternoon. Safe travels to everyone coming to the show.
  5. Hi Scott, Can't wait to see everyone out in KC in a few short weeks. We're working hard to bring some new designs with us. You guys do a wonderful job with everything and it is much appreciated. Thanks Brettt - Hot House Glass
  6. Great picture Edna! My head still hurts from doing that one. I should have counted the pieces, but I'm guessing it is close to 300. It was like doing a jigsaw puzzle and making the pieces as you go. So glad that you got it! Brett
  7. If anyone is looking to pick up some contemporaries, Hot House Glass along with Kris Parke and Tom Rink will be at the show on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing everyone! Brett
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