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Everything posted by feelnmarbleous

  1. This swirl has caused feuds and disagreements about it being Akro, but next to this other swirl i have it doesn't look Akro unless of course they are both Akro swirls, what do you think ?
  2. Thanks, they are a couple of my favs, i got lucky the last few scores and picked up some descent Alleys...
  3. DANG IT ! i forgot all about the run !!!!!! Can't wait to see what comes of this run
  4. Hero ?? Hero's have Ox ? hmmm....... i thought Hero's where patches and some where purple ?
  5. Feel free to join in folks sheez, i know some of you guys got some killers out there, i want to see some Alleys
  6. It's pretty close but not accurate, those pics where before i got my good bulbs, heres one that is very similar IMHO In hand my Akro looks more like this one, this one here the Oxblood seems to be breaking the surface more but still the same base IMHO...
  7. Ive had this one for some time, never thought of the base as Lemonade until the other day when i got it out again..
  8. Uhh Ohh, i got tons of Toys & Antiques and am also in Ohio......
  9. Ric you should know by now that there won't be any swirls leaving my collection any time soon.... Although i do have some nice Alleys i would give ya if ya give me your address....
  10. Your right Steph i didn't read lol, good luck Rookie guy you should do well !
  11. Thanks it's not a secret anymore that i collect Vitro's, i have TONS of them and though not many are of real high Value (accept maybe a couple hand fulls) i love them, but i also collect what i like not by value...
  12. I don't think i would fall for that with the Ebayer being so new...
  13. Interesting i have 3 Ringers, two are almost Peewees.......
  14. Brian don't make me come steal some of those Akro swirls !
  15. This one Steph ? Heres another one of my favorite Superiors nice and thready and has Vitro Ox underneath all that dark Vitro brown (which tends to bleed a lot in Vitro's IMHO) i have several Vitro's with that dark brown and they all bleed.........
  16. Thanks Dustin, i have a shooter size Superior to i got like 3 of them in the last big batch of marbles... Heres one of my favorite Phantom Conquers it's 1inch
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