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Everything posted by feelnmarbleous

  1. Interesting, wonder if it is for Vista, if so id say it's pretty nasty, XP that would be a simple fix IMHO
  2. Alan those pieces of cullet are amazing, looking at some of the pieces i can say one brick i have is Akro for sure, thanks for sharing.....
  3. Hello Felicia Heres an Alley Ox... MK Ox... Vitro Ox Can't say ive ever seen a Pelt with real Ox, ive seen Pelts that look really close to Ox but...
  4. LMAO !!!!!! Griff, i absolutely slay the flat heads on crappie, plus these aren't big enough to eat but perfect for bait, just under hand sized Theres a guy here locally who has a nice pond that he stocked crappie in a long time ago and they are HUGE big enough to eat, and appear to be a lot blacker than the ones we caught yesterday, not sure if there a different breed or what, plus we go over to Brookville, IN when we want to stock up on Crappie for a fresh fish fry !
  5. Well, we went all friggin weekend, and caught maybe 3 fish in two days, im wore out and still thawing out from the cold, they stocked 2600 pounds of big blues and no hits on big fresh cuts of shad ???? im at a loss for words LOL We started at Catfishermans Paradise on Friday, caught 2 in the twenties nothing big, then went from there around 8 am to Tanglewood and caught 0 notta zip ! all in all a fun but fishless trip Ok i take that back we caught about 15 crappie but those went in the bait tank
  6. Kind of says it all for me, you would think if it where polished it would be smooth...
  7. Theres some "Hawgs" in the Ohio, just down in Kentucky, they been catching 70's and 80's the past few years, Kentucky Lake is a good spot for Striper, not to mention Big Cats...
  8. Haha sounds like you guys had a blast Bruce, i seen Aventurine in several of them just forgot to mention it, the one patch posted above has a really fine streak of Lutz, so Gary your not just seeing things
  9. Thanks, i bought two new Set Up's today two Diawa EmCast 11' Rods with Ultra Light Grips, and two New Abu Garcia Rocket Pro's, paid a little but when it comes to fishing, cheap tackle and gear won't get it when your fishing for the big boys...
  10. Muhahahah, it's time to start slaying some fish in my neck of the woods, bait tank is fully stocked with some fresh Shad, Fresh Crappie, Fresh Stone Rollers ( otherwise known as fresh water mullet ) and some War Mouth Blue Gills. And yes the Shad are a pain to keep alive, but it's really a simple fix, put them in a round bait tank and they won't beat there nose off Big Blues are being stocked locally, but i want to hit some rivers this year, i was thinking of heading over to Ron's area, or maybe the James River, wheres some good spots for Flat heads and Blues Griff ?? Some pics i thought i would share of last years catches...
  11. i agree, they have a little extra zing... The swirls are just as nice tho and very vivid in color........
  12. Just playing with camera and going through some new Jabos, i must admit the swirls are killer, but some of the patches are amazing, especially the ones with Ox on the champaign base.. Pretty friggin cool in my book
  13. Only ones i have came across are these Master Bags... I think i sold one to Charles if im not mistaken...
  14. It is nice, that yellow sets that black off IMHO...
  15. Nice Pelts there Breez And Al, is that a Tootsie on the bottom left there ? in the Pelt tray ?
  16. OF course theres plenty of ventilation and respirators we been doing this stuff for 40 years, but i agree all the new chemicals in paint now a days can reek havoc on your body... Heres my new toy i bought to paint it with Aces Wild Xtreme 4 Limited Edition 670 Plus Devilbiss Spray Gun
  17. Finally got done tonight with the color, im wore out but thought i would share Here it is after first coat of sealer... After 2 good coats of base... After Clear Coat... Ok im friggin TIRED now, time for some sleep
  18. I see them to Ric, right across the middle ? i have HEAPS of Vitro's, and those aren't so common....
  19. I just showed you two mibs that aren't Popeyes that have the Eyelashing/Prefreeze.. As far as at that group go's in the ebay link, i don't see it but the pics aren't close either... Pre Freeze is a term used on eBay a lot to boost sales IMHO , i myself like to see some eye lashing on the old Akro's it gives them character and kind of a way to date them, and like Ric said, early Masters will show this also....
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