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Everything posted by feelnmarbleous

  1. Thanks Joe, i was just on your site looking it over, very very nice, i bet it took awhile to archive all those pics sheez! Bought this one on eBay as a WV Slag, i hate capitalizing on peoples mistakes but couldn't pass this one up.
  2. Glad you guys decided to join in Dani, but are you seriously trying to give me a heart attack here ?
  3. MAN some killer Alleys being posted in this thread, some of those are Gnarly looking !
  4. JUST AWSOME !!! those are indeed Killer, thanks everyone for joining in, keep em coming !
  5. Steph i know exactly what you mean, i have a few little baggies of commons that i just can't part with, nothing to nice either, actually not to nice at all but i can't part with them for some reason.. I am always on the fence with either Akro or Mk or Vitro on most of the ones i can't figure out...
  6. Another Awesome Alley! I'm counting 3 colors here.
  7. Some times, only when i got so many i can barely move around in my house lol
  8. Yeah better pics, it looks like a nice Rainbo to me to Felicia..
  9. Bo i sure don't, once i got what i wanted i was out of there, stuff wasn't going to reasonable last night..
  10. Sure is Felicia, i believe it's a Vitro... And thanks Jess hehe, ive hit a couple nice licks at the auctions since ive started (which wasn't long ago) it's kind of rare really to find them in the quality, quantity, and variety like Felicia said, my first couple scores though WOWZERSS!! i remember thsoe days like it was yesterday.. "Breaks to dreamy Like Thoughts" This was my first score ever, there was thousands more in this batch but man o man this was my first box of real vintage marbles,i purchased this box for 280$ and thought i was nuts for doing it, i barely knew what a Akro and Vitro was let alone some of the really rare stuff that was in this batch, i tried my best to sort them of which ones i really liked and thinking i had them sorted roughly by company LOL. Back then i had CAC disease LMAO!! Needless to say i sold 3 marbles out of that batch for 220$ and got darn near all my money back and got to keep what i liked, all in all it was great just for the learning part, nothing like having old mibs in hand to study and learn, pics in books just don't compare..
  11. When i was at the auction yesterday plotting on those jars i picked up, they had some HandMades with a few Akros and a Jabo with them in the case. They started off the 5 or 6 baggys of Marbles with Choice of, the first Choice of bid went up to 76$, and yep you guessed it, the first one picked was the Jabo. The Jabo was marked on the baggy, Jabo, Aventurine, Oxblood. The gentleman who bought it had me kind of worried that i would get bid up on the jars i was after, well he continued to bid on all of the handmades and won them all. After winning my jars and wiping the sweat off my forehead i casually walked over to the gentleman and introduced myself as i had never seen him around before and i like meeting marble folk. he said he only collects Handmades ????? well i wonder if he actually knows that Jabo was not a handmade or did he know ??? My only thought is he could have thought it was because of all the other Handmades it was with in the case or he really liked it, sad part was it had no Oxblood in it. Just go's to show that collectors are buying what they like no matter if it's Jabo or not, if it strikes there fancy there gonna spend what ever they want to get it.... Pics of the mibs in the case.
  12. Thanks guys, and David all im going to say is CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP, i kind of like not having any competition in the Machine Mades, mostly it's due to lack of knowledge, i asked a guy yesterday who bought a Jabo for 76$ if he collected old marbles, he said yes but only hand mades, so i am assuming he thinks the Jabo was a Hand Made, the little baggy it was in, even said, Jabo with Aventurine & Oxblood, only thing it was lacking was the Oxblood..
  13. Fun indeed, it's been awhile since ive found some vintage mibs at auctions on a good deal, most have been Handmades and even if folks don't know them to well they still know there old (well some times) most people a round here don't mess with machinemades...
  14. NICE Alleys there Griff, that first one "The other side" is awesome, and lol @ oops, nice fish to
  15. And bought some mibs hehe, i just couldn't resist at the price i got them at, there was 3 jars with "Choice" of and i took them all, most are mint some are NM but still a darn good deal.. Some Akro Patches ? these all came in one jar.. These all came in one jar, looks like a few nice mibs in there And then these in the other jar. Looks like it's back to Marbling for me
  16. Interesting colors, i love Pelts so i tend to buy them when i can, that color combo is kind if HTF id say, the base almost looks sub marine-ish. Is the ribbon Yellow & White ?
  17. I agree David, it was rather the Transparent flames that where more "flame like" to me, when you get some of the Opaque looking Alleys, they rival the best of CAC, i think Andrea has a few sweet Alley flames that look like they belong in the Salesman Sample Case as well.. The more tips the better, and the more opaque the better for me, but some of the Transparent based ones or even Translucent ones are just out of this world, like Bill's up there, JEES-US !! Alox also made some pretty cool flamey mibs (not 100% sure they actually was made by the Alox company), but i would like to keep this about Killer Alleys, so heres another one of my fav's
  18. Sweet, i love Alleys to Bill, glad to see some people joining in nice mibs every one, and m!b$ Awesome Alleys, that's a little close to AA HAHA Alley Anonymous Bill, that last one looks has so many tips, How do you even pick that sucker up ? i guess you gotta wear gloves Griff i know you got some real doozy's i cant wait to see them !!
  19. Restarting/Reboot = the same thing as a shut down, the system files are all dumped in your kernel and your hard drive and processor shuts down along with your MEMORY. It's either a CACHE problem or like Steve said a Cookie problem or a Temporary Internet File error....
  20. Lets see em!! I would love to see some of the Killer Alleys in some of the collections that belong to some of the folks here on this board, ill start it off with a nice flame that looks like it could be a nice example of one of the flames in the Salesman Sample Box. I seriously can't get enough of these... FLAME ON !!!
  21. Welcome to the site Gene, nice to have ya
  22. Using the search function on here would probably be a good idea for starters. There has been many post on almost all of the runs i can think of..
  23. They are Vintage/Old what ever ya wanna call them, i call them awesome lol...
  24. I thought those blue ones looked Mk but didn't want to sound Moronish lol
  25. Hello David You think this annealing issue plays a role in why these type of Pelts aren't so plentiful ?
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