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Everything posted by feelnmarbleous

  1. I'm really digging that one at on the far left with the Yellow tail, that is killer..
  2. Heres a few of my favorite things..
  3. Thanks for posting that bag Dani, that is just one neat piece all together, with it being old Petroliana Advertising and Marbles together.
  4. That Blue and Yellow sure does look Akro-ish color wise.. Thats kind of why i asked earlier how common are the Helmets to be opaque ?
  5. Like i said i don't care, but it's always best to ask permission to use people pictures..
  6. No worries David, im glad to have you aboard, but you minds well get used to the whole IMHO thing, it's not gonna change any time soon lol
  7. This 'IMHO' is being used to distraction, IMHO Is pretty cut and dry is it not ?
  8. Trust me i agree with you 100% there, but most of the time the IMHO thing is used for Id'ing and some times not all but some times, there is no evidence, you just know by looking at something what it is. As far as Sturtz go's, i'm not sure the statements about him are true, Steve happens to be a friend of mine, but i am not going to say who is right or wrong, because i like you have been chastised on this forum by several members and it sucks, thats why i like keeping it open and simple. That way if i am wrong it's ok because it was only an opinion
  9. Would be nice if you asked to use my pictures off of eBay......... Not that i care but you should always ask...
  10. That's all fine and Dandy, but the fact is most of the people on this board don't have much concrete evidence, so does that mean they shouldn't participate in the threads ? and what about all the times people are right about a subject or object without any facts ? when there right and don't know why, but they still are ? And i agree Brian i felt the same way about this thread, i felt like i was being baited, and bit only to repeat myself. And even when i had FACTS Marbo man, i still was bashed, and when it comes to bashing David maybe you enjoy or take it better than others, but some people could do with out the drama hence "IMHO" tends to keep the drama down, some people enjoy drama in there every day life though so more power to the people who do. For the people like me who don't and enjoy participating in the FUN would rather just keep my FACTS as an opinion, i'm going to use a so called Disclaimer which i'm still not sure how a Disclaimer has anything to do with an opinion but what ever. This picture reminds me a lot of this thread... MARBLE ON !
  11. It would be nice if it where that easy David, i know your new to the forums and all, but you can't just do that, it has led to many problems and arguments by "stepping up and taking a swing" Should it be like that ? No, we should be able to state what we believe, with out having to say IMHO but the fact is you can't unless you are a well respected collector that has been collecting 10+ years, or you get called names or get attacked and bashed even if you was right. I like to think ive learned this hobby fairly fast but i still won't state what i believe with out some kind statement of opinion behind it, i had it rough from several of the older collectors on here by TAKING A SWING, being called Dumb, Rookie, Newb, it's not worth it. I'm done with this thread now. IMHO is a good way to not get bashed and ridiculed.
  12. They all look 100% Vitro to me Illhavethat1 And Steve Nice Vitro's buddy ! And what about having 3 Black Faced Helmets Kind of curious now about the Green Opaque ones tho, i only have 2 and it looks like Steve only has one, are they HTF or sumfin ?
  13. Darn it Edna i was hoping i wouldn't have to lol, so i guess it's a Blue milk ?? IMHO ???????
  14. LMAO !!!!!!! Sorry, but i feel bad for the person who really thinks they are Akro, even sorrier for the guy who told them that, this guy is going around appraising marbles and don't even know a new one when he sees it.....
  15. Thats what i thought to Steph, guess i won't be taking any mibs to the Antique road Show for Id's LULZ !
  16. Not sure about these, if they are Akro, ive never seen one before, although i do remember one of Bobs that he posted on here, not sure if it was a Cork tho.. anyways heres the link if you want to check it out.. APPRAISED AKRO'S
  17. Hey now, not all Masters are ugly ! the only reason i said that was the seams, the colors really don't call for Master at all... Does everyone agree this is an Aquamarine though ? sorry for the double post of this one but we got off on Buttermilks. Or could it be one of those AquaMilks ? It sure don't fit the bill of most Aquamarines ive seen..
  18. Ok so here they are, some of you im sure know where they came from, they look Dug to me, i almost don't want to clean the dirt off, it gives them a bunch of character... This is why you always check all the wrapping in your package LOL Note: i had this box of wrapping an Cullet for some time now, so this was a GREAT surprise!!
  19. HAH!! So i got some mibs sent to me awhile back from a friend and still had the box sitting here, it had some Cullet in it so i kind of left it in there until i wanted to get it out and look at it again. So i got the box out today and was emptying it out because i needed a box to put some mibs in i purchased today at the flea market and started taking out the News Paper wrappings, when i was crumbling the wrappers up i felt Marbles in the news paper!! WOW didn't even realize they was in there until today and from the looks of it they are Dug Examples of some really neat Alleys !! Thanks Mr ?? Best to always check the darn wrappers when you get mibs shipped !! Will post a few pics tonight of the Mibs i found hidden in the News Paper
  20. Bj, i agree bro, some of the stuff that sells at Morphys is CRAZY !! they sold an Onion Skin a few years ago that went for something like 13'000$ maybe even higher, i know it had a 3 and bunch of zero's... Isn't this a Pelt ? CAC PELT K&M Also what gets me at the morphy auctions is the Estimated Price they give for a marble, then what it actually sells for, some times they are WAY OFF IMHO
  21. I am most certainly willing to search lol, thanks again Ron for all the info, you are a such a valuable member here and are greatly appreciated ! Dani what is this Red Horse bag you speak of ? you happen to have one laying around or maybe a pic ? or maybe even Al has a few ? either way id love to see one. And dang it Ron you was supposed to wait until i found a Shooter Buttermilk until you spilt the beans about the Mesh bags
  22. Maybe something like these ? I'm sure there are better examples out there...
  23. Music Room ? and if you guys like Coca Cola stuff, i have some really nice items you would probably want, most of our Advertising stuff is vintage though...
  24. Pretty much what Brian & Dani said, it is short and sweet, instead of typing out something like "Well i think" or some thing of that nature it's easier to say IMHO rather than typing in my own humble opinion, abbreviate it, just like all the IE slang, LOL - LMAO - AFK - GTG - BBL .ect .ect And god forbid you don't share your thoughts as an opinion, we have been down that road before, it was a dead end that leads to personal attacks and arguments, IMHO simply keeps it at DEBATE status rather than Argue status....
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