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Everything posted by feelnmarbleous

  1. That pic made me think of Scuba Steve
  2. I can see why Davis mibs would be hard to single out from the champs and alleys
  3. Would be cool if i had the time and money, but i don't so im stuck bugging him online to help me on the ones i cant figure out lol. Ron has help me come a long way in such a short time, so i can back up his claim, not that i need to though lol He is a legend in the WV department imho
  4. Several WV Swirl company's actually made some flames, some more brilliant than others, but the main ones off the top of my head that are considered the Standard of WV Swirls IMHO are Alley, Ravenswood, and Champion, it also kind of depends on the collector, are we talking 3 tips count for a legit flame ? Yes they do IMHO. Heres a pretty cool Flame, notice the glass and colors. If im not mistaken i think me and Ron come to the conclusion that this was a Champion. Kind of hard to see all the tips at once in a photo. Also a lot of Champion Furnace marbles are flames and down right KILLER they are probably one my favorite types of Wv Swirls ! Then there's the New Old Fashions made by Champion which can get flamey also. Ravenswood Flames ? i love those to lol, they actually made some very cool Transparent based ones, which could very easily be confused for Alley. Heres a peach based Flame made by Ravenswood Novelty. Heres a pretty cool little Ravenswood flame. Bought it in a lot sold as Champions, but it wound up being a Ravenswood Then there are the more common types like the one i posted above with the Alleys. You all have seen plenty of Alleys, if not check out a thread i started in Killer Alleys.
  5. Interesting theory Al, but ive never considered any Vitro or any other company out side of what Steph mentioned to classify as a "WV Swirl". Of course this is just my opinion but i think that term would be used to loosely and then the term could fall under every other company as well which would take away from there uniqueness. Not to get off topic here but didn't Akro move to WV also ?
  6. Thats one mighty fine Jork ya got there, and Al thanks for the pictures !
  7. I can't believe we couldn't get the Master guy to post in this thread, i know you got some killers and wouldn't mind sharing a few pics, so please post a few. I still want to know if there was any digs, or does anyone have any dug examples.
  8. o0o0o0o Goody one of my favorite topics WV SWIRLS !!! WOOHOOO !! Felicia, the Wv Swirl company's made some marbles that are almost identical and are hard to tell apart especially the more common types, they can be very hard to tell apart even when there not common. Ron Shepard the swirl authority in the marble community will even tell you they can be a bear to tell apart, some things to look for though, is color of course and the glass, then comes patterning. Like for example the flames, Alleys are more defined and fine tipped where as Ravens tend to be more open and wider. Example. Id say glass and color are the foremost things i look at when trying to id them correctly then pattern which kind of falls in between Glass and Color imho, and even then you can get it wrong, they probably are the hardest of all marbles to nail down id's on, maybe that's why i went head first with them, it was and certainly is a challenge, but they are some of the most beautiful marbles made IMHO. The main company's that come to mind for me are.. Alley - Ravenswood - Champion - Cairo - Heaton - Davis - Jackson. Never really got to study any of the other ones. All of the above made some killer mibs, but imho a experienced swirl collector can usually tell by the glass and how it looks, heck sometimes i have no reasoning what so ever why i may think a certain swirl is what it is.
  9. I kind of would like to know if maybe these mibs are Ravenswood though
  10. ok ok enough of me crackn myself up, but does anyone have a really good example of a Jabo gone Cork hence the "Jork Screw" reference ?
  11. Jeez, are all those white Snakes on that board ? i thought i seen some of those, even at 50$ from what i see there is still a good deal, some people think just because there isn't mint Bricks or CAC's that there is no value, nice score ! I see more than 15$ worth of marbles there...........
  12. It's a shame you can't scan and email edible cookies
  13. I agree there more earthy, and that trans red is what had me thinking master. Mine has far less color than Bills brilliant mib up there, but the red is pretty darn close.
  14. Ok so these are just stupid old commons to most people well at least 95% of the people who visit this board, but there pretty cool to me. Anyways i bought the blue ones as Alleys but im not entirely convinced they are which is ok cuz i like em a lot, i have some very cool Ravens with that brown and swirl like pattern. What say you fine marble folk, Ravens or Alley on the group of 8 ? Group of 8 With some other Ravens.
  15. DAYUM ! Now that's what im talking about, those are some killer patches ! The ones that say Whoseits, could those be Masters ? Don't think it would be to hard to tell Vitro from MK judging by Bo's pics, thanks for sharing these Bo, it helped a lot !
  16. Nice mibs there dinks, especially digging those WV swirls
  17. Use the one on photobucket with these end tags. [ IMG ] [/ IMG]
  18. Same here Steph, i think for whats there though, it's well worth 50$
  19. I circled some that might be worth getting a closer look at. Theres just a few i think that lot is well worth 50% if there in good shape.
  20. Looks like there are some nice WV swirls in there, and a few Pelts, maybe that one is a NLR Zebra ? also seen some Akro's. That isn't a bad lot for 50$ id buy it myself for that.
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