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Everything posted by feelnmarbleous

  1. So then your saying your a liar? you just lie to people all the time? i have diaper folds and there MINE not random pictures i picked up off the internet. I don't have anything to prove to you.
  2. I want to see the diaper folds in yours, so far you have only shown other peoples marbles, you told me when i met you that you sold every vintage marble you had because collecting vintage mibs was dumb and a waste of time..
  3. Thats pretty cool info... Who would have known they used tail lights.. I have seen cases of Bogards with Red like that....
  4. First mib is not a Kokomo, i tried telling you that last night in the other thread on here it's a Bogard, your correct on your other one other one though it is a Agate.
  5. Looking kind of like a Bogard from here...
  6. No matter what situations life throws at you... No matter how long and treacherous your journey may seem.. Remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
  7. Will do Clyde, kind of hard to see in the pics, but it has a lot of Aventurine which looks to be black, usually i can get good photo's of it but not on this one for some reason..
  8. Yup, bought it today with several other mibs at a very good price, thought it was kind of cool how we was discussing these and i found one a week later..
  9. You got me in stitches over here
  10. Allowing people like this on the board is just going to cause problems, it's the worse decision ive seen made yet, some people may shrug it off, i don't, i took a lot of things said there personal especially when most of it was all lies... This place has gone so down hill...... btw that post was for anyone here to click the link so they could bann you and then talk crap knowing you can't defend yourself..
  11. I got a twin to that Metallic Bruce.. I love these, i also am a big fan of the Champion Pastels..
  12. Keyboard cowboys, they turn into internet tough guys..
  13. Whoohoo !! We got Bruce to come out and play Loving those Champs Bruce, whats those Peewees look like in the Matrix?, it's kind of hard to tell...
  14. Al those peewees are awesome, do you happen to remember what size those taters are ? I think i seen some with white some where, not sure for 100% though...
  15. You actually think id just let this thread slip away in to know where land ? HECK NO !! There are many more Killer Alleys out there that aren't flames.. Tater Bug, Let's see em !
  16. Well since know one else wants to play ill keep posting my own mibs i guess, thanks Bo, and Al, i see some killers there in that tray Al LOL couple of the translucent types.. Gotta be careful Bo, Alley made some very similar to the purples and caramel if im not mistaken...
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