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Everything posted by feelnmarbleous

  1. @Steph, so he already knew it would go over 3'000$? You put in shipping before you list.
  2. Didn't she shut it down while having surgery?? She didn't want any shit going n while she was gone..
  3. Sorry Gene, look for a t70 or t100 touch screen, i promise you will love it, easy to use and i get great mib pics. If i'm not mistaken, Ric also bought one and i really don't need to say anything but look at his pics..
  4. Sony Cyber Shot, the macro is outstanding...
  5. Winnie, you can have that with any type of mib, not just WV swirls, i can't count the times ive been to flea markets and seen box's or bags of industrial Jabo's for 100$ to 150$ because the people thought they where old,if you buy some swirls or any type of mib and there not what you thought they where, then it's know ones fault but yours, i done it myself when i first started collecting, i bought 5 jars of Jabo's for 120$, but i could not blame the seller, only had myself to blame for not knowing.
  6. I can tell any Jabo new or old from any Vintage WV swirl, it's your responsibility as a collector to learn the difference.
  7. Winnie, im willing to bet there are more colors to that mib of Felicia's, and the glass would be different IMHO
  8. Bocci, some of those Rainbows are all that AND a bag of chips! Well put Sue! The thing everyone needs to realize is Steve likes pushing buttons and he succeeded again which i find hilarious, Galen we all know 3/4 G's and 3/4 F's are rarer, but Griff has hit the nail on the head. TIME will tell all, back when guineas could be had just like the new Jabo's they just simply was not as affordable, and who is to say there is not a HUGE CASE or crate of them sitting somewhere in some old house or garage? You simply can not know, in time and probably a long time, Jabo's will be highly collectible if and only if the hobby of marbles keeps growing, if it does not then CAC's, Akro's, Peltiers, Jabo's will all be worth nothing. Time will tell all IMHO. One thing is for sure, some of the newer Jabo's are nicer looking than any older marble ive ever seen, but i still like vintage marbles better because it's the hunt and knowing they are older and just harder to find imho, how many times can you just call up someone and say hey "I want 30 Akro's and 20 Peltiers with 10 CAC's" and have them delivered to your door step? You can't unless your buying out half a collection and that's why i prefer Vintage over newer, but it still doesn't stop me from buying and liking the new ones to because i buy WHAT I LIKE!!
  9. I knew it was only time before we started seeing legit flames. The Rainbow run is killer indeed! @ Brian, good luck getting any Jabo's from Steve, he's a hoarder
  10. I sure wish i could have made it to that show and got to see Ron's seminar... I bet it was a real treat!
  11. I just sold one recently on eBay, there not very common at all, good luck on your hunt..
  12. Nice to see some Original stuff, pretty good for comparing also, thanks for sharing those Bo.
  13. Ann, Tator Bugs are Alley, Dani's is also a Alley but not a Tator Bug and i think you may be right about ones like Dani's being mistaken for CAC some time ago... Maybe Al, will post some pics of his Tator Bugs if he stops in.. I know they also came with a White base...
  14. Interesting Bill, i will make a note of that.. As far as Tator Bugs go... Here's the lot my Tator Bug came in, i found tons of nice mibs in this lot, bought them from a local gentleman who was moving to Florida and wasn't into collecting mibs anymore... (haven't came across one like this since i started collecting) Found some really really nice Wv Swirls in that batch... Here's a Tator Bug that was in with all the other mibs.. They are pretty rare from what i understand...
  15. Ahh, makes sense now Bubba, thanks...
  16. Thats a Tator Bug Dani? i was under the impression that a Tator Bug was much different... Better send it to me for further inspection... Can't really tell unless it's in hand
  17. You sure don't see a lot of those Yellow Based ones, great lot.. in great condition!
  18. Is that Hercules new Bubba? Just wondering cuz it don't look like a Hercules im used to seeing...
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