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Everything posted by feelnmarbleous

  1. I don't see any Yellow in these and there both Superboy's imho. Guess it depends on the collector. Here's a Spidey. All those belong to D now..
  2. I think it airs on the 8th of this month? Check Jabo Land for all things Jabo
  3. LMAO!! i just noticed that, some one is editing post..
  4. Ive have seen PPP get pretty wild let alone a NLR Swirl, I thought that Pelt was a no brainer..
  5. Don't look Alley to me at all, looks Pelt.
  6. DAMN Bubba, you have to be getting thin, you been selling the crap out of mibs!
  7. I agree, that's why i said Ravens coral doesn't really meet the standards of the typical "Corals". To me a real Coral is kind of like Oxblood in the sense that is thick opaque and kind of unique.
  8. Here ya go! Ravens link
  9. @Disco it kind of has that Jabo tank wash?? look.. Dani, good luck ever finding another Alley like that, i have went through all my Alleys and still have yet to come up with colors even close to that thing, let alone the Ox, you sure it's Alley?
  10. That's probably one of the nicest Muddys i have seen Bob, thanks for sharing!
  11. Could be Akro or Master, i have a few myself Ann and i just can't decide between Master or Akro, leaning more towards Master atm though..
  12. Hi m!b$ The Ravenswood "Coral" isn't really close enough to me to be considered a true Coral imho. There are some that are close which i believe can be seen in Alan's luscious Ravenswood thread...
  13. No Tater Bugs imho, you listing any of those Dani?
  14. Ive had both and took the Cannon back for another Sony, guess it's all in preference...
  15. I have an old MK that was a bit strange, one of the ribbons went all wacky, the blue doesn't look like any blue ive seen on a MK, but the lighting could be off, i still say 100% Pelt. Here's the whacked out MK on the right.
  16. Champion and Alley both made Corals, Galen what size is that one of yours?
  17. The Sony Cyber shot has the best Macro, it has a Super Macro Mode, so yeah your going to get better pictures with a Cyber Shot than any random point n shoot..
  18. I am rather in love with a few of those, they have a Champ look to them..
  19. Couple of those don't even look like corals to me, but the ones that do look Champion or Alley, never heard of a Ravens Coral, i think CAC made some but not seen any that i could say where CAC 100%..
  20. They look good, but there all starting to look the same now IMHO
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