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Everything posted by feelnmarbleous

  1. OMFG !!!!!!! Are you serious ? I want some of these BADLY ! how can you call yourself a swirl collector and not own one of those
  2. Yep, looks like there is 3 Vitro Tiger Eye types.
  3. There is no MachineMade mib that has a pontil, the only ones where Transitionals, and most of the ones with Pinched Pontils where Japanese, technically the ones with Pontils that where "Machinemade" was really hand gathered and then put on Rollers not really made in a machine.. Only to get it round. At least this is what i have gathered on the subject.
  4. Hi Mike, i definitely see a small streak of Ox in that last one. They all look like Aquamarines to me... Not really seeing any Milky's there lol
  5. HA! Dani you rock, i was wondering if they could get like that with color, does the one on the left look red until it bust the surface ? it helped a lot, but im still stumped on the one in question, it has like a milky looking color in it that is really trans but still there, this thing actually looks like a cobra, the stream pretty much floats in the middle of the marble, and looks like it was forced in and smooshed against the oppisite pole.. i could explain all night, but pics will make it MUCH MUCH easier.. I just don't want to spend 150$ on this batch of marbles if it's not a Cobra, the rest are common and mostly damaged..
  6. Those aren't mine, i was seeing if Dani was interested because i may be able to get them fairly cheap...
  7. HAHA This is funny, i was sitting here thinking i know i got a Vitro around here with Ox and it's not on Aqua, well it was on a Green-ish Aqua
  8. Ok, i guess i been in the damn dark, because i did not know Champs had Ox, im a frigging swirl collector and never knew Interesting question Steph...
  9. ok so i thought i was done, i need to know if they have seams and how many if they do indeed have them, and does anyone have a pic of a Cobras North & South pole ?
  10. Cat or Bear ? It's in pretty good shape what ever it is...
  11. Ok, i was just wondering, because ive seen a few debates on the Trans Oxblood, but i must say i have a few Vitro's that ive wanted to say "This looks like it should be Ox" but only on my Vitro's... Seen only two with real Ox, and only one with real Ox on a Aquamarine, but i am sure there are more out there...
  12. I'm rather enjoying this thread, it's awesome to see other peoples collections !
  13. Hmm, Translucent Oxblood ? Would it be the brown on some Vitro's ? ive never heard of translucent Oxblood....
  14. For some reason it's putting the code of the image at the top and right after your text, not sure why it's doing that though because it doesnt happen to me.. Heres what it should look like.. Example BLAH TEXT BLAH TEXT BLAH TEXT BLAH TEXT BLAH TEXT [ img ]http://img5.ranchoweb.com/images/sissydear/commonpeltiers4.jpg[ /img ] Result BLAH TEXT BLAH TEXT BLAH TEXT BLAH TEXT BLAH TEXT Maybe we should try it over in the Image Testing Threads Edna, as to not get to off topic in this one and sorry if i did i was trying to help the lady...
  15. Ok, well hit ENTER twice instead of space bar
  16. Edna i see what your doing wrong, when you paste your link to your picture, hit enter after that to drop down a line and then start typing instead of typing right after your image code.
  17. Hey Dani, if your interested, shoot me a message.
  18. Hi Smitty, i will be certainly attending this one even if not to buy, i want to check out some of the stuff there. I have a question for you though, what does this mean "Thousands of unsorted marbles in jars!" ? does it mean you have jars of mibs that have not been gone through period ? or just not put in groups by company ?
  19. Never mind sorry, i found some on here, just had to dig a bit...
  20. Ok i really need to see some pics of some, i think i may have a lead on one, but i don't want to spend the money on a bunch of other commons if this isn't the real deal..
  21. Al, i knew if anyone had one of those bags it would be you lol ! Vitro Aquamarines With Oxblood Ok, so i know some people still don't think that Vitro had real Oxblood in them, but i have to disagree with this, i have a Vitro Aquamarine with real Ox, and yes it's real Oxblood, has anyone else seen this before ? and if so do they have pics to share ? Would it be ok to say that it is Rare ?
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