So a few days ago, I was reading this post and it said that the ebay price today of Jabo special run marbles was about 1/10 of what it once was. I wanted to let it go but decided that that statement might be true in some instances, for some sellers, some product runs and was the gospel preached by some but not true for or the opinion held by all. For me, the statement is BS! After 15 or more years of selling Jabo, they often bring 10 or more times today than they once did. I am very happy with my Jabo purchases and wish I would have bought more of a bunch of stuff.
Thirty years ago, I could go to the grocery store with $5 and come home with three pounds of ground round steak, milk, bread, potatoes, assorted canned goods, fresh fruit and still come home with change left over! I can't do that anymore but mostly it is because of all the security cameras in the stores.
As for the Jabo special run marble prices, I submit that the market is quite good for many sellers. It would appear that good quality Jabo (Dave McCullough) inventory, good pictures to show it off and with honest and descriptive copy brings great money for the sellers and must bring great value to the buyers as evidenced by the final price that many of the marbles bring. Over the last few days, I have seen the hammer come down on many single Jabo Special Run marbles selling for $5, $7, $20, $30 and more dollars each. Not bad for Jabo crap.......Huh?