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Matt Sink

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Everything posted by Matt Sink

  1. I just received a bunch of marbles in the mail that are in great shape, yet feel slightly sticky. I would guess that soap and water is the best way to clean a marble but figured that it would be safer if I asked. Thanks Matt
  2. Any word on how to get a hold of these beauties, hopefully someplace other than Ebay.
  3. I'm going to the show in Fort Worth next month. I've been collecting marbles since I was a kid but never cared about who made them or what they were named. As long as they looked cool that's all I cared about. Since finding this site, I've been doing a lot of rediscovering my marbles. I assume slags are fairly common as I have quite a few of those even a "white" one.
  4. I'm planning on attending my first marble show next month and am pretty excited. I would like to know of any cool show stories that you may have or just what to expect.
  5. Lately I've seen a lot of Jabo "Tank Wash" marbles. Could someone please explain what that means and what the differences are between a marble that has been tank washed and one that has not. Thanks
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