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  1. 12 degrees and awaiting yet another significant snowstorm tomorrow night...is there an emoticon that those of us in the Northeast can send to Galen?
  2. Gotta love the Uncle Wiggly tales.
  3. I wonder if sitting the thimble on the stove might be a way to remove the stuck marble? Hey, it works for installing valve guides. Or, maybe just throw the whole thing in the privy...could be clue to why these show up in digs
  4. From a 1920 publication: https://books.google.com/books?id=EbJMAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA517&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&sig=ACfU3U3XV_U11gthLAJMvHvmxjnWxf6upQ&ci=44%2C641%2C440%2C600&edge=0
  5. Just a guess here but gold and sterling thimbles are quite soft and easily bent or squashed, rendering them unusable. Maybe storing with a marble inside prevented such damage.
  6. Good thoughts coming your way Scott. Hope things turn around for you soon!
  7. Belated Happy Birthday Fritz!
  8. On the way to work today, I saw one fly over and land right at the top of a tree near my house. Very beautiful and uncommon to see one in a tree.
  9. Happy BDay Steph! And KBob that cake is awesome!
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