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Everything posted by mon

  1. Suzie, your pics are fantastic in that listing. I'm not sure that my camera could capture the detail of your photos. Some people grade with the naked eye only. You are no longer a part of the last auction and must let it go. If the buyer is not satisfied, he will return it or whatever. I also think the lack of "CAC" was the difference. You are correct I should have stated it was a Christensen since my confidence level was very high that it was. I am overly cautious about misidentifying my listings. While I frequently post pictures for identification/discussions I am hesitant to rely on photo-identification. It seems to easy for a photo to look like something it is not (or vice versa). I have been very fortunate to have friends much more knowledgeable than I help me learn and give me examples for identification. A wrong id is not the end of the world....I think it happened once or twice on e-bay. lol Yet, it may cost you a few dollars!! Keep up the nice listings...you'll do fine! mon
  2. I do owe some an apology....it is easier to make cac exotic than a citrus! I made these after work with a bic, some pop bottles and used a spoon to round them. As you can see, the pelt does not look correct. mon
  3. Not you miggles! I forgot to add, the reason I didn't buy was, All that I looked at with my Popeel(sic)150x pocket loop, all had tiny air bubbles that formed a little tic-tac-toe form. This can't happen in a pre 2003 machine made marble, as I'm sure you already knew. mon
  4. I don't think that the Peltier Citrus were ever called "EXOTICS" or are we trying to call them "EXOTICS". I have heard them called quite often...."Peltier 3rd Run". What makes you think fakes go up in price? UNLOAD...DUMP lol Steph: Weren't citrus prices chump change compared to the money paid for exotics? Depends on your definition for chump change.....I was offered the common ones by Smitty for $150, I think. I averaged close to $550 for my CAC exotics. And good heavens, one just has to look at The CAC Exotics type marbles to tell they are original vintage CAC machine made marbles. So, would it be worth it???? 10,000 pc run (min) x $150.00 per pc (min) mon
  5. These are not my words but Galen's from the first page : A lot of folks can agree to a story for big bucks at any time and any place. I'm just using the same rules as to those that have many people, not all, scared to buy these exotics. Maybe it's really true about the cullet & marbles being dug. Just after making the final good stuff, the rest was buried and dug up......in 2002. lol mon
  6. I think some people are missing the point of this thread. think one person seems to disagree with the facts the there were citris types dug at the factory site. Why, I do not know. The digger has nothing to do with the so called jar find and does not sell the pelts that were dug. And certainly has absolutely no reason to lie about where they came from. His friend was once part owner of Peltier which allowed him some limited digging adventures. Yes, you are right that I am one person. As for the FACT that they were dug at the factory site...why...I don't know? Let me try a different approach........ I know a friend of a friend that is a distant relative of Arnold Fiedler. He let him dig at the old CAC factory site in his will. He claims he found whole and cullet of every exotic known to man. He lives with a lie detector attached at all times and my friend watched the needles. Wow, how easy was that ... cleared up this whole...real/fake CAC exotic thangy! Thank you people that are thinking! mon
  7. I had some similar to these of Jeff's and I think ended up trading them to Peltboy for some MCS. At the New Philly show Smitty id them as not a true citrus and with both together you could see the immediate difference. Mine were more opaque than the translucent citrus. Not saying jeff's aren't but would definitely need a better pic. mon
  8. Yep!! I put them almost right up there with those brown ravenswood's! Ya know, no postings on all the marble boards. Smitty looking at all kinds of pelts at the shows but just never seen one until the jar. I too can believe .....crazy..nom
  9. Yep!! ol'Galen nailed it all around! The blind can now see, I'm here to testify! What was I thinking? nom
  10. The exotics would be much much easier to fake. Why? And then there is all that digging and putting the rejects and broken pieces around the Pelt factory. Where is this proof? Heck no one has even accurately reproduced the valuable type Pelts why would they copy these?? There not copies and how about $150 +++ a crack And I believe they were around before the so called jar find Now you believe......before you knew? How about this, Someone with lots of money.......a peltier marble machine......and a story to slip them in. Not that I'm saying it happened but...... seems a lot easier than that fake exotics. mon
  11. Good morning to you David, You know what they say when you assume. Are we to believe that a marble of this beauty, quanity and spread out from Cali to N.J. went unseen or unknown until 2003..yeah 2003! That's some woodwork! What's the odds????????? Not saying it happened but, I ask, What would it take to pull off a fake Petier run? mon
  12. Or they're still making them? mon
  13. Amazing! Just F-N AMAZING! Here is a post by Smitty on Dec 31, 2005. I like this part: I had not seen them before and have yet to see one that did not originate from this group. I'll try to tell the story without writing a novel. Several years ago, on ebay a seller from N.J. was offering a group of 5 unusual Peltiers, which is what I collect, if I remember it correctly, I didn't get the first group. Then they sold another group, which I won. Then they put on another group! Which I also won.I politely asked them how many groups they were going to be selling and since I was the high bidder on 2 of the groups, "how much if I bought the rest?" They sent me a list of the remaining Peltiers and a price. It wasn't cheap, in fact, there was no way I could afford it even though it was reasonable. So I turned them over to a well known collector friend of mine who lives in Eastern PA (H.D.) and he drove over and purchased them. The seller explained that they were all in one large jar out of an estate. There was an unusual version of the Liberty, a version of the Christmas Tree, a white base with purple and yellow (lemon and plum), a clear mustard and ketchup (and Mayo) and a white base with orange, lemon, lime stripes.....THE CITRUS. There were not an even number of the different types, very few lemon and plum and liberty, so the sets of 5 were sold very quickly. The largest quantity was of the Citrus, which was o.k. because they were my favorite, I had not seen them before and have yet to see one that did not originate from this group. I believe them to be experimental or a very short run! We had to put a set price on the marbles in order to make a profit and keep the few we wanted. It was my job to sell them. I still have some Citrus for sale and a few of the clear k&m. I guess that's it in a large nutshell! This story unfolds and no one questions the validity. But the "EXOTICS" get dragged through the mud even after 90+ percent of the experts in cac's claim their real. Are we foolish to trust amyone? I get a big ol'smile when I think.........what if the exotics had this for it's origin? juicyfruit!
  14. David, as far as extra effort, I was around earlier than the 2009 thread. If you look at some of the old threads you'll find Handymon as a user name and nothing but "mon" in the reply body. Someone deleted my comments for whatever reason. I think it funny that we search out information to tie things to the distant past but fall way short in collecting facts that happen during our time at watch. We're not talking about clearies here but maybe the best machine marbles ever made. I wouldn't be happy if they turned out to be fakes but the truth for the hobby would outweigh my personal loss. But back to my point, I found CAC's exotics in the wild and have dug shards from the ground...............does me saying this prove anything? These citrus marbles are not cheap so, does anyone have original packaging? I can't imagine such beauties not being heavily marketed by Peltier. How many people had them in their collection prior to 1999? How did one person receive & sit on a cache of these for over 60 years? Where's the pics? I don't know....please help me understand. mon
  15. Ok, forgive me for my limited marble knowledge was frozen in 2006. I hadn't even looked at a marble let alone the boards. 1st let me state that I blame no one for my decision to buy some CAC exotics. It seemed, at the time, a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy some of the rarest CAC's. I trusted the top CAC collectors, at the front line, would never accept a fraud of this magnitude. These "finders" weren't hunting me down to sell to! Even if I wanted to, I could never get behind the curtain to question anything for myself. I recently searched to find what's the current feelings on the CAC "exotics". I found a thread started by David Chamberlain I think in 09. Nothing seemed to have changed! No questions answered, not one fact validated and most disturbing for me, no names. In my opinion, I wouldn't protect anyone that sold these! Why....for tax reason....they made enough money to pay the f'n tax! So not to be wacked if it's a scam....comes with the territory But to set history straight in a hobby that tries to seek nothing but. Give up the names! The whole time reading this thread, I thought about the Citrus marbles. The history of these, as explained to me, seemed to parallel the exotics. Don't shoot me and I may be way out in left field on my info......ok but I can't learn without asking! When did they show up? Are there any in the original pelt packaging or ads? I see mig claims that cullet was found? and some found in the wild?
  16. The last marble show that I attended, these were just starting to surface(many a year ago). People, dressed in long cloaks, sneaking in late at night and going behind locked doors and selling 100's to a chosen few. I had never seen such beauty and all were mint++++. One of many stories was that someone in Harlem had the entire run stored in buckets behind a secret door. Are these real, old marbles? Has anyone ever dug this cullet at the old factory? thank you in advance, mon
  17. So my wife says! I had a freak head injury while playing tetherball that had left me in a coma for approx. 4 years. She claims that I have one of the best "game marble" collection in the country! She also claims that I had many friends on this marble board and it might do me some good to see if this site might jog me memory. Not sure if I was Handymon or just plain mon, mon?...

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