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Everything posted by mon

  1. Thanks VT, also, can you post a pic of this marble...I think it would help. mon
  2. Can you post a pic of these original 17? And theses? I'm not in the loop but was head over heels into marbles, e-bay and shows back then. I never heard of the new exotics till 02...not that that means anything. When did the rest of you hear of them? Trying to determine how long they laid dormant between the water line dig and being marketed. mon
  3. So, you didn't buy....why would someone say you did? "Push" to sell them......by the Art's?...doesn't sound like it if it took Rick a year to get in. Can you tell more, please? If someone knows of a lab that can prove..old from new..I'll send mine! Can't anyone do something good for this hobby without a payday? When I talked with the employee at the garage, she mentioned there was talk about a well. it was found, there was no marbles. not going to touch that!Does it make sense for the finders to sell to Thelma and the Art's......were they "marble people" at that time? Why wouldn't you seek out a known CAC collector? Google CAC's and tell me what page you find Thelma and the Art's. mon
  4. I have read numerous posts for years about these exotics. I tried to point out the similarities between the citrus find and exotic story. Nobody cares or will debate the fact that both just appeared from a single source. One is accepted and one is not. You have people here who have probably never held one in there hand bashing them. Then again, the ones that do know won't post, like pics of fractured or embedded dirt so we can put that reason to rest. Oh, I get the feeling that I can kill a thread but I'm the only one offering to help at my expense. I'm not asking these questions to be an ass (in my last post), I think they are valid. WHO ARE THESE GREAT GUYS..THE ART'S. I was told that Hansel D. stated that he's bashing them because it has hurt his cyclone and higher end CAC's. I also heard, more than once, that I traded my Harley for some! Still have my HD, idiots and can prove if needed. Is it all bull? 2000 seems to early....show me one post before 2002 that has any reference to or pics of an exotic. What year was the water line dig? Come on, post some question and answers if you have them. mon-o-mon
  5. If you was involved, don't you have one to "break up"? I have one, the best example of 19, that I would donate for such test if the results were conclusive, old vs new. What's the story on Thelma......how did she get them before the Art's? Was Thelma and/or the Art's marble collectors? If you was aware of CAC's enough to be digging around for them, would you look up Thelma and the Art's to unload your fantastic find? If you paid via checks, maybe the IRS should look into their earnings. Would the local news be interested in this story and investigate? could sham-rock have made a CAC cullet run in the beginning? Not everything I post is meant to bring something new! Hell, I don't know but I think it's worth trying to find out. It would be a great story if they are real and a awakening if not. mon
  6. Let me clarify that even this employee commented that they catch people digging there on occasions. Her thoughts of a cache being found during the waterline and garage projects are unlikely. What year did these exotics first show up? She couldn't recall the exact year for these projects but thought it was the late 90's. mon
  7. Lots of names surrounding these marbles at ground zero. Estepp, Tow, Humphry, Hall and Chateau (sic) are mentioned. Rick stated that this was the story he was told: During a water line dig at the Guernsey County Garage they let locals dig around in the excavated dirt. Under a board was a cache of these beauties. Mike and Dave Art met with these "finders" (one brother was first to buy but need more moola and brought in the brother) and bought them. They sold the least valued first and worked there way up. Rick spent over a year trying to get in the loop after seeing and analyzing these mibs. He believed them to be real and finally got a chance to buy. The first groups (before Rick) sold very cheap, around $40-$50 a mib. When he got in, the price had jumped to $400-$1500. Rick also stated that he hopes to get back with the Art's to buy more. It seems I was the last to know the Art's name but had never seen it posted. I called the Guernsey County Garage this morning. I talked with a lady there that has been employed for 27 years. She was very pleasant and knew all about CAC, the value and names of these marbles. I told her the above story and she said "bull"! She claims that ALL of the workers there would be digging including herself and that her supervisor took off work just to sift through the dirt during the waterline dig. If they break any ground, the eyes are there. Also, she wasn't sure if they had 3 shifts (around the clock )of security or the around the clock camera system during the waterline dig and garage rebuild. BEFORE these projects, they would let people dig but ended do to slobs leaving the place in a mess plus, the finding of two legs sticking out of the ground and the other end digging under one of the buildings. That was the end of there kindness. She went as far to say, after it rains they look for shining sparkles in the yard and check it out. She believes that if such a find was made...it would have hit the news papers....people talk. Please give Rick a call....he answered every question and told me things that I won't post. You know....the politics and slime of this great hobby........or run and hide! mon
  8. Talked with Rick......give him a call........my tutu is on so tight I can hardly type....got to go.......
  9. You can call me 1 440 965-2121 but I leave for ballet practice at 2pm est. mon
  10. No ring...went right into your full mailbox. mon
  11. Is this ALL of what you have stated in the past? Possibly, good things! Very sad.....mon
  12. I've been absent for awhile so, I don't know what you have said. How did you meet these owners? Who are they? What did they tell you? What did they ask you "not to do"? Who else was buying at this level....meaning who met them? Did you get a license number....I hope, I hope! You know, all the stuff that would shed light on this subject.
  13. I'm asking Rick Hall to post any 1st hand knowledge. I talk with you on a few occasions, when they first appeared, about acquiring some. You mentioned having to meet the owners in a restaurant and picking over cases that they had brought. You also told me that it was so hush hush because of tax purposes and security. I ended up buying mine from someone that got them from you. So, you were at or very close to "ground zero"....what happened? Thank you in advance, mon
  14. The marbles shown by marboman were mine. I didn't enjoy owning them because of all the stink surrounding them. I'm not sure how much cabbage I lost but I know it was at least my left nut and my right nut is still missing! But here's the good news, some king has 200 million dollars that he has left for me! All I had to do was send him $25,000.00 to help him flee his country. YEEHAWW mon!
  15. MARBLES? a small ball of colored glass or similar material used as a toy. Are these really marbles, are these new Joeblows toys? If I loose everything that I have put into marbles, it will not change my life. Not all interest are self-serving! You can value an appreciation for a period in time and the wisdom of some in that era. Some of us like to admire the effort some gave to making marbles for kids to cherish. I collect old, utilitarian things also. Just think how important these things were just to survive. Nothing came easy! It makes me appreciate the life I have, thats its value . If Jabo repeats what has already been done some 90 years later ..........whoop=dee=do!!!!! I can't wait until they make a spinning-cup.................genius, just genius! p.s Spend all you got on these rare a beautiful new thingies and if it's a bust.....at least you kept some on shore jobs and filled the investor's pockets. Sleep well zzzzzzz mon
  16. The guy in the background is thinking......."I wonder if I can talk ol' Ned into going canoeing after this" mon
  17. take off $500 and your there! maybe not! mon
  18. Why does this guy junk up the pre 70's category on e-bay with new jabo mibs????/ 260 listings!!!!!!! mon
  19. sorry also....get another one asap! mon
  20. I'll paypal you 10,000 if I can't tell what marble you replace in that photo. geeezz mon
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