So I went to the Nutmeg marble meet today. It was 20 mins from my house! I went with the thought of only spending 30 bucks, wanting just pretty ones thar were cheap. Wellllll once I saw them, that 30 dollar cap went right out the window lol
I met Stephen Bahr, bought a few from him.. marble kings i think lol? And he gave me a 3 pretty player sized MK's (a bee and 2 wasps i believe) because I introduced myself and told him I watch his vids. I met Lawrence Alley the 3rd and got a few from him. I wish I would have gotten more names but by the time I got there, everyone was pretty much packing up π₯Ί There was another very sweet older gentleman and I can't remember his name but I believe he was from Maine, I bought a pretty blue Christianson slag-i think he said it was hand gathered? from him and he gave me a lighter blue Christianson peewee swirl π₯° and told me many have no idea Christianson made peewees because they made so few. I got a couple other things too from..I have no clue? Lol
Is it inappropriate to post what I paid for them?
Theres 2 pics of the Christianson slag, it has double 9's
And 2 pics of the Pelt Liberty Hybrid
A shooter MK wasp
Unopened MK's
And a few pretty but cheap ones. Mk's, Alley's and i dunno if there's another maker in that mix or not? My memory is bad Lol
Anyway..whatcha's think? π₯°