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foxy77 last won the day on August 6 2024

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  1. I can't get any more pics those were taken by his friend and then my bro texted me the pics. So I haven't seen them in person. Why whatcha's thinking about the yellow/red one? What should I offer the guy who has them for $ based on what yous can see.. Ty
  2. So my brother has a friend with these marbles, i guess the guy is a collector of ALL things. I don't know what he wants for them and I also know it's hard to know what a mib is without several pics/sides of each. But was wondering if these are anything worth collecting and what would you pay for each container? Ps wasn't sure where to post this, hopefully I picked the right category. I hope i can get some help here. I see some i think are pretty but lets be honest.. we're all looking for that marble in the ruff lol Ty everyone
  3. Wow, u came here to CT from VA for the show? I had no idea how BIG marbles were. But im definitely figuring it out! Lol those are nice!!! But Im very green when it comes to knowing what they are.. do tell 😁
  4. Yes definitely will get there earlier next year!!! Well, assuming no other plans pop up that is!!! I thought getting there at 1:30 cuz it said it ended at 3 would be plenty of time..nope! Many were already packed up when i got there πŸ₯Ί
  5. So I went to the Nutmeg marble meet today. It was 20 mins from my house! I went with the thought of only spending 30 bucks, wanting just pretty ones thar were cheap. Wellllll once I saw them, that 30 dollar cap went right out the window lol I met Stephen Bahr, bought a few from him.. marble kings i think lol? And he gave me a 3 pretty player sized MK's (a bee and 2 wasps i believe) because I introduced myself and told him I watch his vids. I met Lawrence Alley the 3rd and got a few from him. I wish I would have gotten more names but by the time I got there, everyone was pretty much packing up πŸ₯Ί There was another very sweet older gentleman and I can't remember his name but I believe he was from Maine, I bought a pretty blue Christianson slag-i think he said it was hand gathered? from him and he gave me a lighter blue Christianson peewee swirl πŸ₯° and told me many have no idea Christianson made peewees because they made so few. I got a couple other things too from..I have no clue? Lol Is it inappropriate to post what I paid for them? Theres 2 pics of the Christianson slag, it has double 9's And 2 pics of the Pelt Liberty Hybrid A shooter MK wasp Unopened MK's And a few pretty but cheap ones. Mk's, Alley's and i dunno if there's another maker in that mix or not? My memory is bad Lol Anyway..whatcha's think? πŸ₯°
  6. Ty that's what I thought 😊
  7. Real quick. How many flames/fingers does it take to qualify as a flame? I thought I read 5 or more but I'm also reading 3 or 4? Ty
  8. Awwww thank you for the very kind and understanding words. Definitely need to put things behind me and yeah keeping my mind busy with looking at marbles has definitely been feeding my mind in a great way. πŸ₯° I hit up a few 2nd hand stores the other day and stuck out lol but it was exciting hoping I'd find some again, thank you very much and i look forward to learning and maybeeee someday I can attempt to help ID some vs always asking lol
  9. Thank you for the conformation on them fire 😊
  10. Thank you very much for the ID's, it truly is appreciated πŸ₯° I was thinking the green was jabo but for some reason I was thinking the white was vacor. Good to know they're jobos. I plan on making another list with their names/makers and hopefully won't lose it this time lol
  11. Can't remember where I got them. Either ebay or a tag sale? Guessing Jabos or vacor because i bought some of off ebay over 10yrs ago. But for the life of me i cant remember what they are or where I got them. The white/purplish pink one, I fell in love with because it looks like a heart lol Any help would be greatly appreciated 😊
  12. Ty everyone😊 Gosh I love this forum and all the help πŸ₯°
  13. Wow!!! Boy im gonna roll lol but uh.. what kind specifically are they? 🫣🀣 And ty for your help πŸ₯°
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