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Everything posted by joesmarbles

  1. Steph, you have one of the last marbles Alan ever touched, your peltier honey amber banana is in Alan's capsule. He put it there shortly before he died. My mentor and my friend Alan Basinet(Buddy) Joe McDonough
  2. Thanks Steph, best wishes.....Joe They are here for the taking.....Pick up only!
  3. Hi boys and girls, I am giving away all of my handmade solid wood marble display boards. Take one or take all first come first served. They hold 100 marbles each in an 10 hole x 10 hole pattern. I am in Wilkes Barre Pa. Any one interested contact me Joe McDonough at 570-824-0611. come and get "em!
  4. Hi boys and girls, I was sorting through my desk and found a letter from the "Marble Lady" Cathy C Runyan Scavina from 1998. I had given her one of the Peltier Honey Amber Bananas for being so helpful to me. Turns out the one I gave her was the only smaller marble in the discovery. "It is the exact same size of some of the smaller Peltier marbles that can be found in antique necklaces and pins"(Cathy C Runyan Scavina). I had often wondered what happened to that little gem now I know, I gave it ti Cathy. Sami and Mike I thought might like to have this information. There is at least one little Peltier Honey Amber Banana out there. Best wishes to all.....Joe McDonough
  5. No problem Steph, sixty years of heavy lifting takes it's toll, it was to be expected.....Joe
  6. Hi Boys and Girls, this year's marble bag giveaway will be the last one. Due to a back full of arthritis and scoliosis, I have had to retire from Weis Market. The giveaway will take place with a co-worker doing the honers.....Joe McDonough
  7. Thanks Steph, it is going to be a great time again this Christmas.....Joe McDonough
  8. Here we go boys and girls this years marble bag giveaway at Weis market.....Joe McDonough
  9. the new marble bags are ready and photos will be posted soon, waiting on my brother to take the pictures and post them.....Joe
  10. The new marble bags will consist of six(6) one inch marbles, they fit well into the clear plastie bags.....Joe McDonough
  11. Thanks Steph, I will try to make it different as long as I am able to. I will post photos as soon as the bags are ready.....Joe
  12. Hi Boys and Girls, everything is set for this years marble bag giveaway at Weis Market. The Labels are being printed, fifty white label with green lettering and fifty green labels with white lettering will be given away at the Dallas Pa. store around Christmas. One change is the header reads "Weis Winners 2" and the marbles will be 1" marbles(one inch) I'll see how many fit into the clear plastic bag maybe 5 or 6. This is going to be great fun again this year.....Joe McDonough
  13. Hi Sami, Would you tell Mike that I am putting my General Frank Merrill letter up on ebay. He may have an interest in it. Ebay listing will be seller mtmcdonough45. Thanks Sami.....Joe McDonough
  14. Thanks Steph, I hope to do this for many years. I will be 70 next year so who knows how long I can go.....Joe McDonough
  15. Hi Everybody, it has taken all this time to catch up with owner of Weis Markets to give him the two prototype marble bags(Weis Winners). Yesterday my district manager informed me that he gave Jonathon Weis the bags last week and he loved them and was greatly appreciative. I am sure that there will be another series this christmas. I will change the color of the header and the types of marbles, title will be Weis Winners 2. Best wishes to everyone.....Joe McDonough
  16. Two feet in Wilkes-Barre, city has not plowed the side streets so I ain't going any where too soon.....Joe McDonough
  17. Sami, package sent today, tracking #9500 1121 1991 7062 1026 18 Thanks.....Joe McDonough
  18. Got the address off the box Sami will try to send them out tomorrow.....Joe
  19. Hi Sami, got the beautiful book today, love it! If you or Mike don't have a Peltier Honey Amber Banana in your collections let me know and I will fill that hole for you both of you. Best wishes.....Joe McDonough
  20. For those of you interested in American history, I have posted at Treasurent.com a handwritten and signed letter from Frank Merrill Frank Merrill was the leader of Merrill's marauders in the second world war. What is unusual about this letter is that Frank Merrill always signed Frank D Merrill, this letter is more personal and is signed Frank Merrill. Very rare in my opinion. hope you enjoy this find.....Joe McDonough
  21. Marbles "The Brain Store" filed for bankruptcy and wishes to close all it's stores(33).....Joe McDonough
  22. Good morning all, the marble display board was mailed this morning, Doug the tracking number is usps #9505 5121 1994 7032 0904 57.....Joe McDonough
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