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Everything posted by joesmarbles

  1. Hi Steph, if you want to see some marble champions, go to the national marble museum and see "the Scranton Times collection", best wishes.....Joe
  2. Thanks, Steph, I looked but did not see this posted earlier., Best wishes to you and all on marble connection.....Joe
  3. Hi All, for those who have not seen the news yet, Anne Frank's marbles have been found with a childhood friend and will be donated to a museum. Just thought this was a neat thing to share.....Joe McDonough
  4. Thanks guys, maybe just maybe this time peace will be given a chance.....Joe
  5. Hi Steph, yes there a few versions of this but that will do fine, thank you so much.....Joe
  6. Good evening all, As we are probably on the verge of attacking Syria with massive armaments, I would ask you to listen to John Denver's song "Peace" in honor of my friend Alan Basinet, I miss him dearly.....Joe
  7. Great thanks to you Ronnie, many years ago I found five original boxes, two Peltier patch and three other boxes, two filled with Akro Moonies, if I remember corroctly and one filled with cornelians. They were the square white boxes with the tufted cover on the marbles. I think Gary and Sallie both those three from me.They were great people to talk with and do a little business. Once again Thanks Ronnie.....Joe
  8. Hi all, there was a husband and wife team of collectors in New Smyrna Beach, there collection was in a few of the reference books. I believe they later sold the collection. Can anyone remember their names? Thanks and best wishes to all.....Joe
  9. My thoughts about Alan are that he was the John Denver of Marbles. Kindly listen to John Denver and you will understand what I mean, the qualities of the man, the love and honesty and truth and kindness especially his "Peace" song.....Joe McDonough
  10. Hi Sue, If you would send me your mailing address, I would like to send you a gift that Alan and I shared as a thank you for all your work and love for Alan and his family. Best wishes.....Joe McDonough
  11. Hi M!bs and all, the miracle you speak of is that a Man stood up for what he believed in! Alan lived a life of Truth and Honesty and Goodness against all that the world offers in greed and fraud and lies. Those may bring you wealth in fashion we can only imagine but never ever will it bring you the love and respect that we in the marble community give freely to our friend Alan Basinet. Kindly look at all the rich and famous who have died from drugs and stupidity and you will see that money and fame mean nothing in the long run, it is the search for love and caring that matters. We have in our own small part shown the world what humanity is, not for gain but for love we have given what we can for someone we all loved. we too have stood up for what we believe in the principles of Goodness and Truth and Honesty by honoring the man Alan Basinet with our love and respect. Go forth and teach others to do the same.....Joe McDonough
  12. Hi Marie, that's why you find so many clay marbles in the ground, they were much cheaper than bullets to fire at the varmints.....Joe
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