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Everything posted by coolbrezz

  1. I had Leroy polish a few marbles for me about 2 to 3 years ago. I had never seen a polished marble. But knew that these two bricks were pretty messed up. Boy I was shocked when they came back. I couldn't quit looking a them. They are beautiful!
  2. What would you have done? This Beautiful work was done by Leroy!
  3. Sure sounds like Guy has made Heaven a more beautiful place for the rest of us! Hang on to all the wonderful memories he has left his friends and family! It puts a smile on my face that everybody has so much respect and fond memories for Guy! My mother would say this to my sister and I almost everyday! Many Happy Returns of the Day. May God and His Mercy. Prepare you on Earth. For a Beautiful Birthday in Heaven! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUY!
  4. Thanks Chris! Now I am happy! Yea the two other ones are cool! Are they just some cool rainbows?
  5. He is a picture from outside lighting, Not the best pic!
  6. Bill there is trasparent in the base! I will try to take a better picture outside to see if I can capture it! Give me a few minutes!
  7. Kris I have had this for a few weeks. And have been trying to ID it for sure through books web sites and ebay. Before I posted it here. It fits all so far! But I still question myself. I sure will make me feel good if I am right! Here is the best part,. I found it in a bucket of marbles at a little antique store on a business trip. Sign said 3 for $1.00. Here are the other two I picked.
  8. It measures at 5/8. It sounds like all the discriptions I have read. It looks like some of the pictures I have seen. But I still need some of the Pelt experts to tell me for sure! What do you think? Sub or not. In great shape expect for the blow hole! Darn it! LOL Windy
  9. Rodger than I would say this one is yellow. If I put light to it it looks brite yellow. Buddy your to funny!
  10. I got this in the mail today. Measures at 7/8. The discription said Cherry Amber glass with filament red core. I don't see any red core or cherry amber glass. I see yellow! It is a little lighter in hand. I am not disappointed just want to know if this would be considered yellow?
  11. I voted before you had the pics up! So I said 0. Now I want to say 2.The two on the left!
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