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Everything posted by manylittle

  1. Welcome to the site. I love old art glass, especially Czech and Mt Washington and Cased glass from the '50's. I love the solid bright colors of the cased glass contrasting with the white interiors. I had a collection of over 140 all displayed in a black and white kitchen on white shelves with black edges.....until someone broke into my house and stole over half of my pieces....all of the best ones of course. Of all the machine made marbles I love the akro's the best. Pelts come in a close second and then Christianson. I've been here for under a year now although I've loved marbles for 25 years... and these guys are great !!!! Vicki
  2. Here in Augusta Wi, on the shores of beautiful Lake Eau Claire it is a balmy 22 below zero, actual temperature...thank God we don't have a wind like we did the other day !!!! I'm tucked in on my couch with a blanket , my dog King Arthur warming my feet, and my laptop. A man would be better but beggers can't be choosers.!!!
  3. Thanks so much !! That was wonderful !!! I have a pic of my own antique store kitty peeking out of the Christmas tree. Your video brought back lots of memories. !!!! Here he is all grown up !!! and doing what he does best. KeeKee the Kollectible Kitty and future hero of a children's book !!!!!!
  4. Please forgive me as this might be so simple that a 3 year old could figure it out by herself, but this 61 year old gal is having problems. Could you give me the steps needed to putting links to my ebay auctions in my topic? Can I just copy and paste it in the message? Thanks, Vicki
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