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Everything posted by Mattshaw1953

  1. some marbles arrived today, these 2 are quiete unusual, they look more lime green in hand, I can't recall seeing this type before?, 7/8"
  2. I've tried and failed 😜, most of you guys are too polite, there is definitely not a surplus of "banter"!, or is there?
  3. Ha ha, I was just having a bit of a laugh with you Steph 😂
  4. Oh dear ive been moved again?, if you know what it is please tell us before you move from ID threads?, don't think its GMGC unless you can enlighten us?
  5. I've not seen a tiny peewee quite like this before, under 1/2"? Please, what would you call it? The flash is bringing the colours a little brighter, I think there is a little egg yolk/Oxblood going on?, my camera is struggling as its on the small side!
  6. The question is........why did I get them for 50 quid?, did everyone, as I did think they were tiddlers?, or did nice ones escape the camera lense?, weird!!!!!
  7. I don't think they have been torched, I think they are just as they were when made, I'm in the UK, I don't think I've seen a torched marble over here.
  8. So although they may have been Scrapped, they may be the Prettiest of the groupww????
  9. Ann, maybe we've seen one already?( why do u assume our Micas are not Pink??????? Maybe they are?????, who are "The colour Police"?????
  10. No, Im suggesting all the marbles I picked up were from,a set which consisted of micas mainly, but all had faceted pontils, really nice!! That's all!!, and were made for a solitaire, as they 'were Faceted, that's all?
  11. Swiss, I think I comented on these, I may have said they were newer, I do apologise, these are old old old, I am amased i picked them up for £50 there are 24 in total, like I say,some real odd ones!
  12. Hi, yep I get that, is it possible that these types were "The final" marble from this colour combo, I don't think I've seen a handmade finished as well as this one?, it turned up with a group of micas 7/8", all with really nice single faceted pontils? Maybe from a single pontil solitaire set?
  13. I'll stick my neck out and say they are 100% Antique, I'll post a pick of the whole group tomorrow, I do however value you're opinion.
  14. In terms of rarety % wise, where do these single pontil Onions sit? If these types came off every cane, why do we not see more? Were the start and end of canes discarded in most cases?, if so, why were certain marbles of this type kept?, maybe the glass maker took them home for his kids, this one has a lovely faceted pontil, someone took great care in the making of this one!
  15. Hi there, I agree, each persons perception of colour is slightly different, my camera also sees these 2 differently to my eyes, I see the larger one a little shade lighter.
  16. Are these end of cane oddities or beautiful mistakes? They came with a large group of banded transparents/Joseph coats, the group includes a lot of oddities, one of the three has a multi colour latticino string core, I actually bought them to fill a solitaire, I assumed they were 1/2" ish, I was pleasantly surprised when they arrived, as they are knocking on 7/8", ha ha!! Anyway are they end of cane banded transparents/Joseph coats, or something else?
  17. The larger being 7/8", the smaller 1/2" The smaller came with a Solitaire board, nearly a complete set, however the rest were really nice clear micas, colourless, this was a little bonus!!, but what colour is it?, Amethyst, Pink or other? Is the larger Yellow or light Amber?
  18. Hi Ann, I don't own one yet, what I have seen is a clear mica with a Red or Blue smear/stipe/band on the surface?
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