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Everything posted by GoofyCat

  1. Good day ID for the marble am I looking at here and if possible who made. Thank you.
  2. i thought it might have been when i first saw it. but in hand it just seems to look to old to be new
  3. i thought it may be hand made too as i have german ones that small and smaller. it does have cold rolls just like DAS marbles but i dont think Dave made this one
  4. need an ID on this. im not even gonna quess.
  5. thank you all i didn't think it would be possible but had to ask in case there was something i missed in my research.
  6. Just curious is there any way to ID a maker on antique German hand mades like this one or sulfides for that matter?? just got this one 1.57" and would love to know who made it. its now my fave marble of them all, Thanks in advance
  7. it has a orange glow under UV light where the white goes under the surface..
  8. Could they be Akro Agate Carnelians ? they sort of look like these
  9. need an ID on these 2 marbles thank you.
  10. Could it be a Akro Cardinal Red?
  11. thank you yes the blue does have an Alley flame look to it. so i will stick with the Alleys the green one I cant find any seams even under 40x led loupe and 60x led loupe the green does swirl around and the thin lines are a dark redish blackish color under 60x loupe. I will try to get better pics later tonight,
  12. found in same lot as red one. could not get any better pics with my cell phonethan these. not much to go on but im hopin someone will know the greenish one has thin blackish lines in that U shape
  13. Found this in a bought lot. is it a slag of some sort?
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