So I decided to make a thread where we rate things... with a twist. Here is how it works. The person before you will tell you something to rate. You have to write a 100 word essay on that thing before you get to make someone else rate your thing. Whoever posts right after you gets to rate your thing. Now, what is a thing exactly?
1) A random image/GIF you find interesting2) A news article3) A song/music video4) Website/link5) Internet Video/Animation6) It doesn't even have to be linkable like the above examples. It can be a concept. Such as "Love". Or "Hope".7) Your favorite game/movie/tv show/character.8) A phrase such as "the state of the forums" is allowed. Go crazy.
Just stay away from serious topics and you should be fine.
Since this is the 1st post, I get a free pass.
Rate this topic : MEMES