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Everything posted by Fire1981

  1. I agree with those who think it’s a washed out Sparkler. I would need to see an example of a French Sparkler. I have European Sparklers but they are 1 and 1/4 inches with seedy surface glass. 🔥
  2. Dang ! That a hard one. So here we go ! All I’m say is it’s a big marble 🔥
  3. Crap….! All that and Ron beat me by 1 minute just find out I was right. I don’t know my swirl traits that well 🔥
  4. I don’t know my swirl traits that well. But I’ve always thought that the ribbons on a CAC swirl are sometimes thicker then Ally’s and are kinda chopped into shorter sections of ribbons. 🔥
  5. No doubt ! If you asked if marbles are square? I would say that was a silly question. 🔥
  6. I was waiting to see if anyone thinks this is a Kokomo 🔥
  7. I like the blue and white corkscrew that touches the OP marble at 2:00. One thin ribbon and one thick one. I think the OP mib might be a CAC 🍿🔥
  8. That is a stellar Pelt Rainbo. It doesn’t have a name but the color combo kinda sets it apart in its own way. This isn’t Oxblood. Oxblood is opaque. This marble has what some might call Burnt ribbons. 🔥
  9. I’ll take a shot at it being some type of Tiger Eye 🔥
  10. The green base glass is kick’n my @$$ on this one. The last clue seems to have something to do with an optical illusion which reminds me of one or two or more of the concussions I’ve had. 🔥
  11. This is a great thread. Here’s my question. How come the only marble IDs that include the word/trait Burnt are Pelts ? I think it had to do with the sand they used. Come now! Who can think of another Burnt marble that isn’t a Pelt. Come on….rack your brain. 🔥
  12. Hey Gladys ! I’ve missed your posts ! Thanks for posting pics of your marbles again 🔥
  13. I’ve sorted my Sunsets by 3 colors. Red,orange and yellow. I’m going with an Orange Sunset 🔥
  14. Bengals and Tigers ? You tell me 🔥
  15. Here’s 2 of my Wasps. AV and Red base glass🔥
  16. Got it from Marble Alan ! I lucked out. He knew I was looking for beat up Pelts like this one. So….here’s to Alan 🔥
  17. Oooops ! That’s a left over. I just checked out the Hit List 🔥
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