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Everything posted by Fire1981

  1. Fire1981


    When I got this one I knew something was different. I knew it was a Pelt but it just didn’t feel right. I posted it around 2002 and got a Chocolate Cow but obviously lighter then Tigertree’s. I was asked if it was polished. I had no clue what that meant. Long story short. It was explained to me. So I got a jeweler’s loupe and could see the sharp edges on flea bites and molten pinprick.🔥 RAR
  2. I changed my mind. The base glass has to be orange🔥 RAR
  3. The black ribbons have AV in them. My question is. Since the orange ribbons are thin I think the base glass is black with the AV. I’m hoping it’s a Halloween. Any ideas on this one🔥 RAR
  4. Thanks ! Does anyone have example pics🔥 RAR
  5. WHOA ! That's an amazing Pearl. Thanks for posting that Carowill. 🔥 RAR
  6. Oh Snap ! That’s for suggesting Kokomo🔥 RAR
  7. I think you might have Heaton Cats Eye. I had no idea they made them. I was gifted one that I thought it was a Pelt Hybrid Cat and thanked them for the Pelt. I was totally blindsided when they told me it was Heaton. I think this one is a MIGHT be a Heaton 🔥🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 RAR
  8. I think I’m going to go with Akro on this one. There is kind of a little ear there in the last pic🔥 RAR
  9. Some have a clear ribbon in the mix 🔥 RAR
  10. I think these might belong here somewhere in this thread. What do you guys think🔥 RAR
  11. OK ! I am truly laughing and having a Bevis and Butthead moment here. "You said orifice."🤣 I was thinking more like a nozzle🔥 RAR
  12. The first one is 5/8ths. The second one is just one 3/4. Any ideas 🔥 RAR
  13. I guess that could be a burnt ribbon 🔥 RAR
  14. Is this color combo considered common or not ? Any ideas 🔥 RAR
  15. Man ! I need to re-sort my Helmets! Some are in Concussion Protocol forever🔥 RAR
  16. Nice Starting Line there Ric 🔥 RAR
  17. I guess his web burned up and he went SPLAT 🔥 RAR
  18. The thin green ribbon is what has me stumped 🔥 RAR
  19. If you find one that is black instead of clear amber base glass? Those are HTF 🔥 RAR
  20. I keep thinking Pelt Burnt Spiderman. Or is it a CAC ? Any ideas🔥 RAR
  21. I’m stumped. Any ideas on this one🔥 RAR
  22. Is it the lighting or are those Touch Marks🔥 RAR
  23. That is a Vitro. I think there is an ID attached to this one. 🔥 RAR
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