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  1. This is the kind of information that helps me understand. Fire, Alan, Dave and Carowill, thanks for responding and for sharing your knowledge. j
  2. Thanks a lot Fire, it just looked like it might be a pin point Pontil that I saw on Mr Blocks marble collecting site. This just proves that I don’t have a clue when trying to I’d all these marbles. I hope y’all don’t mind me posting a bunch more and I hope you will help. I do appreciate it. Thanks again
  3. I found this marble in a 5 gallon bucket of marbles I bought at an estate sale. I would appreciate any info you could give. I am grateful for this website of experts. I wasn’t sure if this is a damaged marble or if it has a Pontil. Thank you
  4. Jjay

    Marble Id’s

    Thank you Art and Carowill for your help. I appreciate it.
  5. Hello old friends, it has been a long while since I have posted anything. Life just happens doesn’t it. I have some marbles here that I need to have any info you can give me. Who made them mainly and their type and anything else you’d like to add. I have started selling a few under the name wicker1987 if you’d like to follow them. You gave me much help a few years back and I appreciate it greatly.
  6. Thanks Al and Steph. Steph thanks for the eBay link.
  7. Hi. In this large collection of marbles that I purchased, there were multiples of nearly every type marble in the collection. This marble had no brother or sister. It's the only one of its kind in the group. What is it? Is it a rare marble? Does it have any value beyond a common? Thanks for looking and commenting. I appreciate it.
  8. I got stuck on trying to determine who made these and the type marbles they are. The colors were neat so I figured I'd ask. Thanks for looking and commenting. Are these common pile material? Thanks Jjay
  9. Hey, the glass on these marbles seems different than most. It's cloudy looking. Is that a trait of one particular company? Thanks for ID'ing these and letting me know if they go in the commons pile. Jjay
  10. And some of #4. Thanks again for the help.
  11. Here are some more Picts of #5, using a different camera and technique. Maybe you can tell a little more about it. I'll also post a few more of #4. Thanks Steph.
  12. Jjay

    Group 23:

    Thanks Steph. I remembered you telling me that it had to be 4 flames together to be a flame so I wasn't sure if those were flames. I appreciate the help. I'm going to post a special one of a kind mystery marble next. Let me know what you think. thanks again Jjay
  13. Jjay

    Group 23:

    A few more of #8 also. Thanks for looking. It stays in the game marble pile unless you tell me something different. Thanks Steph. Paul and Al, I appreciate your help. Thanks Paul, check your email if you haven't already. Thanks
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