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Everything posted by scooby

  1. little blurry but these are my most colorfull
  2. each pic is a quarter turn of mibs..what i'm having trouble with is i get a crystal clear pic but when i upload to imgur i'ts blurry....very annoying..these are the same but you can see the stripes are coming from both sides looks solid but if i set it on my iphone light it shines through and looks reddish transparent..
  3. Don't have a black light..but the green has little bits of looks like... glitter.and thanks for the help Steph
  4. white stripe on pelt has 2 clear streaks on either side of it slag is 5/8 clear is about 9/16 back lit the pelt is wine red...sorta
  5. best i could do.followed the flow to these
  6. these i think i know but..still learning..green mib is akro,then peerless patch?
  7. 3rd pic and last pic is what looks to be a seam, the closest i could find to a match was a vitro/jabo tie dye,or jabo classic the white on it looks like it was stabbed in with a knife then swirled around i can feel a divit with my fingernail,fold maybe,here is another pic, seam is turned slightly to the left but it shows that marble is not completely smooth ripples in glass or what not..the introduce yourself section also has this mib in the pics of marbles i found in abandoned warehouse my friend purchased..
  8. i have 2, a yellow and a green
  9. damn my pics got moved in order compared to when i uploaded them...sorry about that,they are reversed...5 is 1 and 1 is 5 yadda yadda
  10. i geuss i can show what got me hooked on marbles...i have a friend with an old building that was a dry cleaners back in the day and we were walking through it one day..first pic.and ran across a vase with marbles in it..second pic..so i brought it home and started to investigate who,what and where..i did not know marbles were more then just marbles as i always thought.now i'm only 49 and maybe played with marbles once that i can remember unless they were in a board game,so i asked if i could poke around some more and found this rusted up cookie can stuck to an old hat,and hat came with me since marbles were falling out of the rusted out bottom of said cookie can pic 3 and 4.someone converted part of it into living space and i geuees the guy had kids all boys so marbles are everywhere i found marble in pic 5 at the bottom of a trash can...and the hunt continues.....
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